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Mouse Tail

Mouse Tail

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Took me a while to work out what this was - never looked at it head on like this. It's a plantain of some sort?

5 May, 2012


we used to call these granny knots, we used to tie them in a knot and pull off their heads!!!

5 May, 2012


yes Oji, Most people call them Ribwort, I will seek out it's real name later.

5 May, 2012


same here sticki, we did the same here, last year i was showing my girls how to do it.... nice pick Pims...

5 May, 2012


did you used to say a rhyme type thing at the same time surrey ? i was trying to remember what we used to say, Im sure it ended with 'and off with her head'

5 May, 2012


I am not sure I like this violent streak in your nature Sticki!

5 May, 2012


its my rebel side pimms

5 May, 2012


we did Sticki but i can't remember it anymore...

5 May, 2012


have to ask my mum.

5 May, 2012


excellent, let us know if you find out :-)

5 May, 2012


been googling but i cant find it, what did we call them granny heads or granny knots??

5 May, 2012


almost sure it was granny heads...

5 May, 2012


still no joy on google!!!

btw i think we called aquilegia grannys bonnets??

5 May, 2012


This one Sticki

5 May, 2012


thats a great web site, thanks pimms, it was a bit similar but not exactly that!!! made me laugh though!!

5 May, 2012


Sticki we used to do something funny we these and ping the flower heads at friends! Don't remember a song or verse to go with it though! I also know Aquilegia as Granny's Bonnets too!!!

5 May, 2012


Apparently you can play "Conkers" with them as well.

5 May, 2012


conkers with these wouldnt be the same!!!

i like the pinging idea petal!!

5 May, 2012


there really is a bit of feist in you today Sticki...

5 May, 2012


oh dear!!! sorry pimms!!! maybe its cos i have worked 4 shifts instead of 3 this week plus a couple of other jobs and someone who shall remain nameless [not on this site] is driving me mad!!!!!!

5 May, 2012

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