So nice to meet you
By Poppylover99

12 May, 2012
So nice to meet some fellow Goyers at the Malvern Spring show yesterday. To help you put faces to names you will know. From left to right - Daylily, Stickitoffee, Willinilli, Bornagain, Poppylover99 and Stroller. Didnt we all scrub up well?
Comments on this photo
Crikey ST, I didnt even have time to PM you to say Id put it on!! I have another photo to explain why orange baskets were empty. I wasnt going to post it but I will now. Keep a look out. Lots more shows coming up, Im sure we'll meet again soon.
12 May, 2012
i hope so!!!
just happened to be on as the photo came up maybe?? not that i spend much time on here of course!!!!!
12 May, 2012
Noooooooo didnt think you did!
12 May, 2012
of course not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 May, 2012
Are those Poppy and Willi's baskets or did they borrow them from the last show.....?
12 May, 2012
no pimms they definitely wouldnt do that ~ they are much too nice and honest.
anyway if they had borrowed anything it would have been a much larger trolley!!
12 May, 2012
So nice to meet you all, just wish I could have been there. Looks like a great time was had by all.
12 May, 2012
aw cinderella ~ maybe next time?? we had a great time ~ wish i had dared to take a photo of the people on the next table to us ~ im sure they wanted to be part of our party!!!
12 May, 2012
Great line up Poppy and we were still smiling after the cake and coffee fiasco !!!!.
12 May, 2012
THAT was so funny!!!
12 May, 2012
Not too bad atall is it? Really enjoyed meeting everyone had a great time, and a few laughs,
Poppylover, shame we are going to GW on different days, but as you say im sure there will be more, hopefully :^))
12 May, 2012
and two more blogs for us to see i hope!!
12 May, 2012
Daylily, now we all know what we look like, you never know where we might turn Hope that doesnt give you knightmares......! Sticki it may have to be a foodie blog next time - Im running out of different angles to keep you all interested, definately dont want to be boring!!
12 May, 2012
Cinders, I took a photo especially with you in mind. Ill put it on soon - Can you guess what it is yet???
12 May, 2012
Could be one of many Poppy. Auricula, Streptocarpus, Heuchera, nice to think you thought of me anyway, thanks
12 May, 2012
they had lots of heucheras and i saw streps and auriculas!!!
poppyl you could never be boring but foodie blog ~ great stuff!!!
12 May, 2012
I'd just like to say this photo was taken midday & I'm already having to hold BA up!
12 May, 2012
Everyone posing nicely ...
Glad you enjoyed your day ... :o)
12 May, 2012
Nice to put faces to names isn't it?
12 May, 2012
Willi, that was me sober, I don't get out much lol, just imagine what I'd be like drunk! It was lovely to meet you all. You and Poppy deserve a medal travelling all that way. I'm trying to type this with Rosie on my lap, not easy, but don't want to hurt her feelings by putting her down on the floor. As to the drunken pose, I was trying to look casual and unfazed by the camera...didn't work. Looking forward to seeing all the blogs, we missed a lot I think, mine will have a lot of geums in it when I get round to it:-)
13 May, 2012
LOL, I think the Noddy walk will have to be a pub crawl then BA as a chance to see you drunk would be unmissable!
Girls I think we're gonna need our Tena lady!!!
13 May, 2012
pub crawl great!! dont want the other bit though.
blog nearly done ~ warning 40+ photos!!
actually the blog has taken longer to do than it takes poppylover and willinilli to drive here!!!
13 May, 2012
Lol Willi, I aint coming on your pub crawl, flood warnings in Aldridge?....I think not!:-o
13 May, 2012
Sticki, I wonder will you get a prize for being first? You certainly deserve a medal...40+! You could celebrate by making me a cake, I've got proper forks at home:-} I wonder if anyone's going to GWL NEC?
13 May, 2012
its on now Ba
i will make you a cake to help soak up the alcohol on the pub crawl ~ how's that?
I cant go to GWL NEC cos im on holiday i think?? what date is it again?
13 May, 2012
13th-17th June...what about Forseasons? I forget when I said that was, possibly next week?:-)
13 May, 2012
WHAT next week??? please can you check i would LOVE to come to that.
does everyone else know?
i get back from my holiday late on 17th june and not even guaranteed then!!!
13 May, 2012
The dates that may suit you are Saturday May 19th & Sunday May 20th. These are the last days til Autumn. Where you going and can I come? I suppose you've already told me, but I told you it's catching:-)
13 May, 2012
i have just been!!!!! it was today????
13 May, 2012
Are you putting a blog on? I'll probably go next week. You didn't say if I could come on your hols though or where we were going:-)
14 May, 2012
I will put a blog on, sorry Ba been out all day, got a few pictures to sort out but might take me a couple of days to recover from the last marathon!!!!
Of course you can come on my holiday ~ its on a Scottish Island.
14 May, 2012
Oooh great, I've never been to Scotland, is it the same one as last year? That was beautiful:-)
15 May, 2012
same as 4 years ago i think, trouble is no guarantee on weather and being the slim, light thing you are you may need concrete in your boots so you dont get blown away.
15 May, 2012
I hope you're not trying to put me off Sticki? I can't take rejection:-(
15 May, 2012
not at all Ba ~ forewarned is forearmed thats all!!
15 May, 2012
Just off to pack:-))
15 May, 2012
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well done poppylover, you were really brave to ask carol klein to take that photo and not include her!!!!!!!!!!!
that orange basket seems rather empty??????
it was a really lovely day and im so pleased to have met you all ~ great fun ~ when can we do it again
12 May, 2012