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Bottom of steep hill looking up


By Terry60

Bottom of steep hill looking up

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I don't think I could get up that steep path ! It looks a fantastic place. Where is it ?

24 Jun, 2008


Great Fortress!

24 Jun, 2008


that is a steep hill,i bet the veiw from the top is worth giving it a go.

25 Jun, 2008


It's an enchanting tiny medieval hilltop town called Civita Bagnoregio

26 Jun, 2008


When looking at it the first time my eye was drawn away from the charming hilltop antiquity by that concrete and steel modern-monster bridge...the remains of old footings are visible...but I can imagine an arched aqueduct-like Roman construction with buttressed landings, and keeps...hmmm.... you wouldn't mind if I used your photo for reference for a painting, perhaps? This is a wonderful photo!

29 Sep, 2008


Of course not Lori, I'd be honoured - this belongs to mankind, not to me!!

29 Sep, 2008


Great! Thank you, Terry! Imagine the view and the nerve of the man who put the capstone on that bell tower!!!

29 Sep, 2008


Just noticed the yellow below the bridge...wonder if that's ginestra?

30 Sep, 2008


Yes Lori, it almost certainly is - it loves growing on rocky hillsides

30 Sep, 2008


I come back to look at your pics again and again... this one is a favourite.

30 Sep, 2008


Talk about cardiovascular exercise!!!!!

28 Oct, 2008


Good grief, and not a pulley in sight! but how enchanting:-)

29 Mar, 2010


An exciting prospect, I'd climb that hill every day if I could.

31 Mar, 2010


I suppose people had to do so in the olden days, on their way back from the fields, or else sit on their donkeys - not an easy life eh?

31 Mar, 2010


When I stayed in Blanes (six weeks in the summer of 1958) there was a hill about that height I climbed every afternoon - this hill reminded me of those days.... there was only a very rough footpath to the top... probably all changed long since.

31 Mar, 2010


this has gone straight into my faves - now that's what you call *steep*! that's one heck of a defensible position - I'm going to have to find out more about the place, thank you!

28 Feb, 2012


Told ya Fran - I knew you'd be impressed !!! Imagine traipsing up that hill with temps in a sticky 38°C+ in the shade (there is no shade BTW).

How the locals managed on their donkeys all those moons ago, I'll never know, as that's the only entrance to the town ...

28 Feb, 2012


I suppose it was worth it, for the security of such a position - any fairly accessible hilltop had its village - put "hilltop village" into Google and got "about" 17 million hits! remember seeing pictures of some in France.

Things must have been dire for people to prefer to climb Jacob's Ladder several times a day, rather than live on the flat, but be vulnerable to attack. so long as the people had a water supply, they could outsit any siege.

Hmm, that cliff cries out for caves and tunnels to underground reservoirs or even secret passages down to the ground!

ps did you count the steps, by any chance???

28 Feb, 2012


Nope Fran I didn't, was it cos I ran out of puff or because there are only a few steps right at the very top??! It's a very steep uphill narrow path - not a good place to go for one who suffers with heights...

29 Feb, 2012


Oh, right, I couldn't see if it was a very steep slope or very steep very long flight of steps. Not a place if you have knee problems either, I should think!

29 Feb, 2012

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