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Gees choc cake recipe

Gees choc cake recipe

Made in a muffin pan in the microwave and no problems

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Wow, they look so good, I was going to say too pretty to eat but I could probably manage two or three as it's nearly lunch time :)

16 May, 2012


That is so pretty, SG! My pan is just plain ordinary, but the cakes were good.

16 May, 2012


I can't take any credit for these because it is all down to the recipe. You'll become as famous as Grandma on the Waltons Gee. She too had a recipe or was it some elderly ladies?

16 May, 2012


Delish S.gran

22 May, 2012


Have you tried it yet Grandmage. Mouth watering stuff.

22 May, 2012


These look wonderful!!

I don't do cake - but I do do chocolate!!!

23 May, 2012


You'll love these they are so simple. Highlight this and then click on search and you will find the simplest quickest recipe ever. Also the most dangerous because it is addictive.

23 May, 2012


This link doesn't work for me's only the GoY ones that don't come up now...

But...I will put that on my list of things to look for - manually!!

23 May, 2012


It was 2nd May 2012. Click on Gees name to take you to her members page and then on her blogs. They arwe listed on the right hand side in dates going backwards. I dk why it is not working for you. Maybe a more computer literate member will tell you.

23 May, 2012


I don't know either...maybe it's my IP adress or something like that (that was my big problem in Nigeria).

I will look up that recipe! my first azalea today from a bargain bin, which means it's been neglected. Do they recuperate well?

23 May, 2012


I'd give it a very good soak and then use bone meal in the planting hole so it can make new roots. If it is pot bound.The roots are coming through the bottom and there is no space in the pot for any more roots tease the roots out or cut down in 4 or 5 places round the height of the pot so that it has plenty of opportunity to put out new roots. You can only try and save it and put it down to experience if you lose it. If I see a neglected plant, I always cover the top of the pot with my hand and then give the pot a sharp tap so that I can slide the root out of the pot to see what is there supporting the plant. If there are too many roots for the size of pot but they look healthy I'll buy it. If they are all water logged and rotten looking I give it a miss.

23 May, 2012


It's a reasonable size, although very mis-shapen. The stems are quite bare except at the tips, but it has loads of well developed buds! At €5, it has to be worth a go...but you will have to advise me about giving it a little tidy up later after it has flowered! :)

23 May, 2012

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