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Primula japonica 'Millers Crimson'


By Kasy

Primula japonica 'Millers Crimson' (Primula japonica (Japanese Primrose))

For my collection of japanese plants ;-)

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nice coloured one Kasy, love it...

17 May, 2012


Lovely picture :)

17 May, 2012


sorry i didnt realise it was japanese, its lovely.

17 May, 2012


would like to see the full japanese garden ; )

17 May, 2012


me too!!!

17 May, 2012


glad you like it guys.
Sticki - anything with the word 'japonica' in plant's name can be translated as 'japanese'
STT and ST - it's just a begining - few oriental style pots, few plants with common name 'japanese' in it or simply few plants with oriental origin.
Need few more accessories to achieve that oriental atmosphere - it takes money ;-(
oh, and got a clematis with proper japanese word in it - but it was supposed to be a late birthday pressie. So it may go one day soon, lol.

17 May, 2012


Oh happy late birthday kasy!

I shall look forward to seeing that collection, and garden! I didn't know that about 'japonica'

17 May, 2012


clematis japonica?

17 May, 2012


Sticki - my birthday is months away;-)
Stevie - that would be too easy - the translation of the name is something like 'Seven Bridges'. Sorry - to lazy to go out into the garden to check the label, lol

17 May, 2012


seven bridges for seven samurai???

17 May, 2012


well..... to say that...
just checked the label and the name is: 'YATSUHASHI' and it means EIGHT bridges. So we are missing one samurai, lol.

18 May, 2012


Yatsuhashi (bridge with eight folds) a zigzag path over water
I assume its got 8 petals and a zig zaggy pattern?

18 May, 2012


oh i can picture it now ~ bit like the bridge on the willow pattern plates??

or is it like origami with 8 folds??

18 May, 2012


oh, I see - the zigzag path over the water to get rid of devil souls? the label doesn't include any pictures. There is one flower bud on it so I guess I just have to wait and see. Unless the owner wants to claim the pressie earlier.

18 May, 2012

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This photo is of "Primula japonica 'Millers Crimson'" in Kasy's garden

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