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part of my water storage system

part of my water storage system

Actually, I was trying to get a pic of the juniper, but the bottles came out clearer!

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It all helps!

20 May, 2012


counted up today: got 16 full and six empties - adds up to 80 litres of water, enough for at least two waterings, so the bottles have time to warm up before being used - mind you, given the weather lately, not needed any of 'em

20 May, 2012


Very useful things, big plastic bottles - we have the remains of them all over the garden. I used to use them as mini-greenhouses for germinating seeds, for protecting the tops of fenceposts, for trapping slugs and snails, for watering tubs and baskets, as plant pots and as mini-cloches over tiny, vulnerable specimens and cuttings. Oh yes - and storing water!

25 May, 2012


lol that's recycling with a vengeance! I'm trying to think of other ways to re-use them: cut the bottoms off for cloches, cut a hole in the side and plaster the bottle for a small-animal holiday home, cut bottom off, hang a bird feeder inside for weatherproof dining - don't think I could make it squirrel proof, sadly.

Wish I could stack 'em and connect 'em like that multi-barrel rain butt system I posted the link to, but would need a heck of a lot of work for that, and it's only tap water anyway, sigh.

25 May, 2012

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