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I wish I could show the whole stem...
...but, after getting it home unscathed...the top part had a wee accident! :(
...and it wasn't me!!!!

Comments on this photo


Oh I need to go shopping again!! Its looks fab, is it huge?

20 May, 2012


Lol! Sounds familiar! ;))

It WAS it's just big! lol!

20 May, 2012


Oh dear! Did you clonk someone over the head about that?!!

20 May, 2012


Lol! He's not here very much these days...and he likes to 'help'...but there was a frosty silence for a while...

20 May, 2012


Lol I bet!

20 May, 2012


lovely - is this black knight one ?

20 May, 2012


I don't know, Paul...they're not really into 'naming' things here...the hand written tag said, 'Delphinium'!!

...but it's a lot more intense, in real life...

...and had a certain person not broken it, it would have been a lot bigger too!!!! ;)

20 May, 2012


I crushed my lupins - so annoyed

20 May, 2012


I soooo know how you feel!!!!!!!!

20 May, 2012


SO it was the Delphiniums fault then? Ive got some coming up i sowed the seeds about 3 or 4 years they decided to come up! lol No floers yet tho :)

20 May, 2012


Lovely - hope you get some flowers this year Pixi :)

20 May, 2012


I sowed delphiniums before too, Pix...they popped up and were raized to the ground in one night by snails...they never recovered :(

Hi Scottish! I hope she gets some flowers this year too! :)

21 May, 2012


Well they are down by the tree which is full of damn snails..i really need to erradicate them!!!!!!!!

21 May, 2012


Best do something, Pix...before they become snail gourmet heaven... :/

21 May, 2012


yeah..not sure what tho..

21 May, 2012


I've heard people talking about copper coils in the questions section...they seem to be effective...?

But I haven't seen them here...

21 May, 2012


lovely coloured one Karen, Pixi i've done these from seed you should get flowers next year... :-)

21 May, 2012


Thanks SL :)

Do they take five years to flower? Heck! You have to have patience with them don't wonder they're expensive!!! ;)

21 May, 2012


sometimes they can take a while yes, if the conditions are really perfect then maybe 6months you'll get a few but they can be awkward at times...

21 May, 2012


I saw a few more of these at the market today...but not a patch on this one...

It's such a shame...the top 6'' aren't actually dead...just very bent and drooping...

Could I put a splint on, do you think? :)

21 May, 2012


it may work Karen, they are a hollow stem so putting a splint on may do the trick worth a try..

21 May, 2012


Okay! Thanks, SL

...have to go and buy an ice-lolly tomorrow! lol!
(not that the weather here is very conducive to that...)

21 May, 2012


Lol it's been quite nice here today, and tomorrow they say ' he say's with fingers crossed '

21 May, 2012


I know...but I think your forecast's good! :))

...unlike here...brrrr!!!! lol! :(

21 May, 2012


it's got to start warming up soon... this year has been really odd weather wise...

21 May, 2012


idk about copper coils..I had a copper pipe all along the edge of that bit down the bottom and they still came! 5yrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21 May, 2012


Get a couple of chickens, hen. I collect them and feed them to the girlies! They go mad for snails!

(I got another wee grey one yesterday) :))

22 May, 2012


Awwww ic ant have hens here hen! in the middle of a housing estate lol

22 May, 2012


Why not, hen? They're the 'in thing'! lol!

My step-son, who was here last week, lives in a busy town near Bath and his neighbour has a miniature pig in the garden! lol! ;)))

22 May, 2012


omg! maybe not jsut now lol

22 May, 2012


Mini farmyard, Pix???? LOL!!! ;)))

22 May, 2012



22 May, 2012

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This photo is of "Delphinium" in Karenfrance's garden

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