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the little doorstep garden...daphs and tulips!

the little doorstep garden...daphs and tulips!

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Been a good year for tulips here, lasting longer in the cooler (huh!) weather. Good to have a welcome mat of flowers at the door.

20 May, 2012


Very pretty Lori !

20 May, 2012


Nice splash of colour as you come outside Lori...

21 May, 2012


Thanks ladies! It was wonderful to have them up and blooming. Because they were closer to the house they didn't suffer the "predation" of the ones I put in the more distant beds...I planted 50 and I think about 25 came up. It is dragonfly, butterfly and lilac time...the poor lilac has very poor blossom this year was forced back into dormancy twice this spring. It's blooming finally, and the butterflies and dragonflies are as plentiful as they were last spring! Amy: was clearing dead grasses etc. from the area where the Jack-In-The-Pulpits were last spring and you should see all the small ones coming up amid the Osmunda!

21 May, 2012

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