The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Arisaema speciosum


By Meanie

Arisaema speciosum (arisaema speciosum)

The spathe and spadix are a little deformed, which could be as a result of the recent warm weather with this being one of the early bloomers maybe.........

Comments on this photo


Good morning meanie!!!

that is a fascinating plant, i do like these type of unusual things.

28 May, 2012


I'm rather hooked on them Sticki!! Got two more Arisaema to come, plus a pot of Amorphophallus tubers too.

29 May, 2012


I think they are strangely beautiful...and even though ecconomic with colour they use it so well. Then there is the shape and form...Brilliant plants.

29 May, 2012


Couldn't have put it any better myself Pimpernel!!

29 May, 2012


Yes I like that too, strangely beautiful, I'm not sure which bit is called which but does the trumpet/cone shaped bit emerge first?

29 May, 2012


Mine is the small one, A.albispathus.................

I'll post a photo for you..............

29 May, 2012


I'm hooked on them also - have 2 native species, a couple of A. ringens and, because of this photo, just ordered an A. speciosum and an A. fargesi (I think I spelled that wrong). You can't have just one.....and they really are impressive & get quite a bit of attention when people come to visit.

29 May, 2012


Plus I have an empty spot. Gotta fill up that empty spot! (that's how I'm justifying this completely unnecessary purchase)

29 May, 2012


do they stay in the shade meanie?

29 May, 2012


Lauram - there are loads more that I'm after!

Very light shade Sticki.

29 May, 2012


ok, thank you

29 May, 2012


Meanie - look at the Plant Delights website - they have a fabulous selection of Arisaema & it was the only online nursery to have A. speciosum in stock. I'd like to have at least one of each of the Asian species!

29 May, 2012


Lauram - this is one of the best in the UK..............

30 May, 2012


thank goodness they don't ship to the US because I'd have a shopping cart full of plants - they have A. griffithii, a plant I've wanted since you (I think) posted a photo, but I've been unable to find it for sale. If a nursery offers it it's always out of stock. One online vendor suggested that buyers pre-order for spring 2013! Sadly, there's not a snowball's chance in hell of finding this sort of plant for sale in a GC in western GA.....they are very conservative plant buyers here!

ah well, there's always next year.

30 May, 2012


Laura...It is always dangerous clicking a link from Meanie, you start getting ideas. ;)

30 May, 2012


I set out to corrupt Pimpernel!

30 May, 2012


at least its honest corruption!!!

30 May, 2012


Lovely play on words Sticki!

30 May, 2012



30 May, 2012


I lead myself into temptation very well on my own & now I have all of you helping me along!

30 May, 2012


That's what we're here for!

30 May, 2012


are these hard to grow from seed? I found some A. flavum seeds on eBay, only a few bucks, thought I might try them if they weren't too tricky.

31 May, 2012


I've never tried from seed, but have some coming............

31 May, 2012


I should get mine in several days. They were inexpensive so I won't be losing much if they don't do well.

31 May, 2012


Very nice!

2 Jun, 2012


Good luck lauram.

Cheers Delonix!

2 Jun, 2012


Love the colour and textures

2 Jun, 2012


For outstanding colour Lulu check this one out!

2 Jun, 2012



I wish I could take such clear photos like you! You must have a secret or a million dollar camera. lol!

3 Jun, 2012


As I've said before, I bin a lot!

3 Jun, 2012


Well, you always post the best! :>)

4 Jun, 2012


just got my A. flavum seeds today. Any tips on starting them, anybody?

6 Jun, 2012


I gave mine a soak for 24hrs as Amy instructed..............

6 Jun, 2012


Plant Delights Nursery called today with bad news. There is a shortage of A. speciosum and so I will not be getting one! : ((((( They'll be out until next spring! I told them to surprise me and substitute another species. The fargesei is still coming. will be interesting to see what I get!!!!!

6 Jun, 2012


That's a shame, but kinda exciting too at the same time!

6 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of "Arisaema speciosum" in Meanie's garden

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