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Cinnabar Moth

Cinnabar Moth

Common day flying moth.

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Super!!! Never seen one of these before.

1 Jun, 2012


That's a wonderful shot , Pp !

1 Jun, 2012


Thanks Lil and Driad..

1 Jun, 2012


Wow, what a great shot!

1 Jun, 2012


stunning colours

1 Jun, 2012


Beautiful! Lots of moths and butterflies around, all of a sudden!

1 Jun, 2012


That's what a bit of sun can do...Bees are everywhere many more than last year.

1 Jun, 2012


very nice Pimms...

1 Jun, 2012


Thanks SL and Sheila..

1 Jun, 2012


I had to shoot the big black bee with fly spray :(

1 Jun, 2012


Why? You still scared of them? I have only ever been stung once..right on the tip of my index finger, and no I wasn't poking it...

1 Jun, 2012


great shot

1 Jun, 2012


Thanks Paul...another Avatar! :)

1 Jun, 2012


yes keeping though ;)))

1 Jun, 2012


I had to work on the wisteria in the was all growing all over the place like an explosion in a spaghetti boiler...

It didn't like it and kept going for me...and I had to keep running away, which wasn't easy since I was up on a step-ladder...

My finger was swollen and sore for over a week that last time.
So, eventually, much though I didn't want to do it, it was me or the bee.

1 Jun, 2012


Funny, that, Karen, I've been stung by loads of things in the garden over the past few years, but never by the big blue/black thingies - they always seemed quite docile. Obviously the French ones are bougons.
I have a soft spot for cinnabar moths - the gorgeous caterpillars in their orange and black striped pyjamas, eating the groundsel for all they're worth, and the pretty moths in their Durham Light Infantry colours (my Dad was in the DLI, and used to joke that these were their specially bred mini mascots - how gullible was I?). How did you get it to pose so beautifully?

2 Jun, 2012


I thought that they were all talk and no action, Gattina!I've never been stung by a bee, ever before - so they never worried me - then two in one week...

2 Jun, 2012


ooohhh hes a beauty!

2 Jun, 2012


The huge hornet jobbies are the ones I'm afeared of, those and the tiny wasps - those are so bad-tempered and vicious and have a really nasty sting out of all proportion to their size! Friend was unfortunate enough to have a horse-fly fall down her (not inconsiderable) cleavage the other day. It bit her, and the swelling and pain was truly dreadful, and lasted for ages. She was told that lining her bra with cabbage leaves would help, but she had actually had to take her bra off. She said it was far worse than any bee sting.

2 Jun, 2012


Ooer, awful for her... :(

The notion of wearing a cabbage leaf bra is kind of funny, though... ;)

2 Jun, 2012


Been done already Karen ;)

2 Jun, 2012


Lol! It had to be in Manchester too, Pim...
...I don't Mancunian skies...exotic vegetable underwear...!

That chap was a bit quiet though...I bet he doesn't eat quiche either! lol!

2 Jun, 2012


I am sure I remember another video of this where an old chap fell off his mobility scooter while watching her..

2 Jun, 2012


Lol! I'm surprised that any of you Mancunians find anything that surprising anymore!! ;)

2 Jun, 2012


Yeah, he doesn't look very happy, does he? It's not a very Mancunian accent she's got there, is it?
I spied a few leaves of what looks like Dieffenbachia in that clip - I do hope no-one tries adding that to their salad!
p.s. I bet my friend with the cabbage-leaf bra wishes she looked like that. I'll bet her husband does, too.

2 Jun, 2012


Very striking..........would make an interesting mosaic too!!!

2 Jun, 2012


I couldn't get this clip up , but never mind (technophopes are us ) .
There is advice for breastfeeding mothers with engorged breasts to put cold cabbage leaves into their bras for comfort , I'm reliably informed that it is helpful .
It is supposed to be an Australian remedy .
You girls in exotic parts beware of buzzy things with intent !

2 Jun, 2012


Most girls (in exotic parts and elsewhere) have to beware of ANYTHING with intent, found in cabbage leaves or otherwise.

3 Jun, 2012



3 Jun, 2012


How true ( even today)!

4 Jun, 2012

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