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By Gattina

Viburnum (V. tinus)

Comments on this photo


That's doing well.

5 Jun, 2012


Unfortunately, this was taken a couple of years ago, Sticki - the poor thing suffered a bit in the bad winter and part of the centre has died - the rest is looking a bit dowly, and I'm hoping some brilliant Goyer is going to tell me how to give it the kiss of life. It's a bit too huge for the garden anyway.

5 Jun, 2012


Sorry, I like viburnams but I don't know much about them.

5 Jun, 2012


It can be hard that I mean you can even take a chainsaw to it and take it to about 2ft and it will come back Gattina.

5 Jun, 2012


Great photo!

5 Jun, 2012


Round about when, Pims? Wintertime?

5 Jun, 2012


Late winter early spring I would say....Worth asking Bamboo to be sure. It will respond well and be a shame not to have it looking it's best..

5 Jun, 2012


I would hate to lose it, but it's uglifying it's space at the moment, and I should love to be able to re-animate it.

5 Jun, 2012


Can be done and back flowering the same year.

5 Jun, 2012



6 Jun, 2012


Hi Gattina, what kind of Viburnum is this?
It is beautiful!

22 Jun, 2012


I'm fairly certain it's a Viburnum tinus, Katarina, but I don't know what variety. There were very few flowers on it this year, but if I follow the advice Pimpernel has kindly given me, next year we should be back in business!

22 Jun, 2012


Do post some before and after pictures, Gattina!

22 Jun, 2012


Did you see that Lincslass cut her monster one right back last week Gatt.

22 Jun, 2012


You know, Mel, that's not a bad idea, but I shall end up with egg on my face when the whole darned thing dies! No, I didn't catch Lincslass's one. Is now a good time to do it? Everything here is a bit stressed anyway, witht the heat and the drought, and I don't want to discourage the poor thing further.

22 Jun, 2012


It is in a recent blog.. I would do yours as I said

22 Jun, 2012


Thank you, Mr P!

22 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of species V. tinus.

This photo is of "Viburnum" in Gattina's garden

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