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Clematis 'Piilu'

Clematis 'Piilu' (Clematis 'Piilu')

I had to buy a new one last year, as the original plant didn't like being too shaded.

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Very the edging....

6 Jun, 2012


It's supposed to have double flowers the first time, then single in September. Double? Hmmm...oh well, I still like it! :-)

6 Jun, 2012


I think mine had doubles a couple of years later (not sure tho'), and I was very surprised because I didnt know :)

6 Jun, 2012


It's lovely Spritz....I'm not fond of the striped ones, but this one is gorgeous. Used to grow it at the old garden...should get it again, it's like raspberry foule! :D

6 Jun, 2012


Oh dear, K, have you got space? :-O

6 Jun, 2012


Always find a space, when you grow upwards lol...:o))))

7 Jun, 2012


That's right Crissue! :)

7 Jun, 2012


Ooops!! I'm about to get the blame for Karen spending more money! (heehee)

7 Jun, 2012


I am being a bit careful right now....I seem to have 'blown' the bank balance lately!

7 Jun, 2012


Well, if you will keep going on holiday, what do you expect? Lol.

7 Jun, 2012


Did we go on holiday this year? That seems like years ago now! :D

7 Jun, 2012


We haven't had a holiday for three years now. It's about time we had one, but I want to feel well enough to get the most out of it.

7 Jun, 2012


We grow this one I do like the shading......

7 Jun, 2012


Holidays are over-rated in my experience. If we had good weather we would never go would be beautiful here if the weather were good.....sigh!

8 Jun, 2012


'IF' the weather were good! My garden is being smashed to pieces at the moment...and there's nothing I can do about it. :-((((( <HUGE sigh!>

8 Jun, 2012


I know, I've been thinking about you all day Spritz, on and off. We've got off lightly this time far! It's just like any average November day here usual! lol xx

8 Jun, 2012


I went and tied the Robinia hispida onto its cane a bit higher up, as I know they can be a bit brittle, and it was swaying about crazily! :-O

8 Jun, 2012


Yes, I had a birch swaying around this morning, and my Rosa 'Benjamin Britten', so they both had to be staked and tied in my pjs!

8 Jun, 2012


Lots of horizontal plants out there but the good news is that the wind has died down this morning. :-)

9 Jun, 2012


Thank goodness. Lets hope it doesn't turn around and come back as they sometimes do swirling around our little Island. Those poor welsh holiday makers eh? It must have been terrible in your parts. Not too bad here today but I think we are due to get the tail end of the rain storms tomorrow.

9 Jun, 2012


Good luck Karen, never known a Summer as bad as this......

10 Jun, 2012


Nor me, and there's more to come. :-(

11 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of "Clematis 'Piilu'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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