Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Nightblooming Cereus
By Delonix1
- 6 Jun, 2012
I missed the blooming during the night. This Epiphyllum grows very large and upright to 10ft/3m or taller here in San Diego. It's also a very common plant in people yards. This is the firs time its bloomed since I got a cutting from my previous neighbor two years ago. Photo taken June 3, 2012.
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It had three flowers and I've read it can bloom more than once a year. Unlike, some of the other which only bloom once a year (like my red and pink ones). I'll post a photo of the whole plant today. I have a white hybrid and a variety 'Golden Charms' which blooms 4 or 5 times a year. I really like the 'Golden Charms' because the flowers have a nice sweet fragrance.
7 Jun, 2012
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Are there more to come, or was that it for the season?
7 Jun, 2012