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For my records Physocarpus 'Lady in Red'


By Drc726

For my records Physocarpus 'Lady in Red' (Physocarpus 'Lady in Red')

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Mine's isn't flowering yet Drc - that's looking great :)

9 Jun, 2012


Thanks Scottish, I planted it last year not sure its happy there though?

9 Jun, 2012


I bought one too - they are amazing plants/shrubs

10 Jun, 2012


I planted it last year and it grew well but this year its not doing so well Paul

10 Jun, 2012


I planted mine last year too Drc - it grew well, but I decided to move it into the sun a bit more, which also meant it got caught by a wee bit frost - which has probably set it back a bit!

10 Jun, 2012


Perhaps it the awful weather with mine too Scottish.

10 Jun, 2012


ooh i think i have this in my front garden, mine has lots of balls of flowers-will post a pic when i get home! :)

16 Jun, 2012


Yes the flowers are like little balls LL. I saw today that this has suddenly decided to grow again.

16 Jun, 2012


Drc....mines has been thoroughly enjoying the rain here the last 2 days - it's just glowing and growing!!!

16 Jun, 2012


Well its very wet here too so that must be it Scottish.

16 Jun, 2012


Im away from home at the mo and im seriously trying to wrack my brains now lol! cant make my mind up about whether the leaves are the same-and mine is about 4-5'-back monday ill just have to be patient! :-)

17 Jun, 2012


If you are going to take this gardening milarky serious Leigh....patience is a MUST!!!!! :)

17 Jun, 2012


i know scottish its hard-im planning for next year at the moment :-)

17 Jun, 2012


hi scottish heres my photo do you think its the lady in red? :-)

19 Jun, 2012


It must be me..I think it looks quite happy and healthy.

25 Jun, 2012


Mines is looking great now P....I think both Drc and I were disappointed because when we first planted last year - they looked great immediately!
Although I can't speak for Denise - mine seemed to take an absolute age to get a 'glow' from it - not the proper word but it just looked dull/sad.

25 Jun, 2012


I don't know how it is with you Scottish..But foliage is looking better than ever on many plants down here...The flowers seem to be lagging a bit.

25 Jun, 2012


Aye....well!!!! Plenty of foliage that's for sure. I'm really disappointed with the severe lack of flowers.
I chopped my oriental poppies down today. I was just getting so fed up looking at them. There was still about 15 buds but it was bothering me and reminding me how far behind my garden is!!!!!

25 Jun, 2012


Hi how does your lady in red look now and what size has it grown to? I bought one last year and kept it in a large pot to be planted this summer. It was pretty shaded and most of the leaves start off red but then have developed some green variation. I imagine this is due to lack of sun wjere I had the pot next to a fence. It would only get sun from about 3pm until the shade developed again around 7pm. The leaves taken a while to grow too but despite this I have lots of buds.

I did read that they colour best in full sun. It looked great when I purchased it from Bents last year.

22 May, 2016


Hi Raglanv I moved this in 2014 as it was not doing well, it is lovely now and has grown so well in its new home I will put a photo up for you to see

23 May, 2016


Great Drc thanks, they are lovely plants I've not seen many around my neck of the woods so it's nice to see some other people's:)

23 May, 2016

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This photo is of species Physocarpus 'Lady in Red'.

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This photo is of "Physocarpus 'Lady in Red'" in Drc726's garden

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