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Rosy Crab-Apple Kiwi

Rosy Crab-Apple Kiwi (Actinidia tetranova)

Actinidia tetramera var maloidies wrongly named for over 10 years a Sweedish botanist renamed it, Americans call it "Rosy Crab-Apple Kiwi"

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Fascinating :o)

23 Jun, 2012


Very unusual two-coloured leaves!

23 Jun, 2012


This is lovely Gg, never heard of it, is it hardy ?

24 Jun, 2012


I have had it 5 years so it must be with the winters we have had -10 , this grows on the trellis so has to fight it out with jasmine ivy honeysuckle , my mate thought a bird had done somthing !! on the leaves , how somepeople think I never ever thought that , I will re-serach how to propergate. Burncoose advertised on here £20 but they have the old name not the new.

It has red pinky flowers as well


24 Jun, 2012


Definitely one for the wishlist then if its hardy, adding to favourites, love it :-)))

24 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of species Actinidia tetranova.

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