Summer Pot in front garden
By Stroller
- 27 Jun, 2012
Heuchera "Blackberry Jam" with thanks from Karensusan
Comments on this photo
Lovely! Karen also sent me Blackberry Jam which is doing very well, your looks great in the pot with Diasica?
27 Jun, 2012
Hi Sticki :-),
Glad yours is doing well too PP, the weather has been fabulous today have just put a blog of my new porch on which I`m really pleased with.
27 Jun, 2012
i should think you are pleased with it ~ its fantastic
27 Jun, 2012
how lovely
27 Jun, 2012
Because of Karen Susans love of Heucharas, she got me started and now I'm addicted! A lovely little pot.
28 Jun, 2012
Hi Rose, I blame Karensusan for lots of my addictions, Clematis and Trees and now Heucharas, but I do so love her gardening spirit, love her garden full stop.
29 Jun, 2012
So do I , Stroller.
30 Jun, 2012
I recognise that diascia of mine is in with redstone falls bought at the same time. I also popped in a couple of new white pinks called 'Memory' in support of Alzheimer research:-)
30 Jun, 2012
Ba, I Like the sound of the pinks, I seem to have gone on white flowers this year, having said that I bought six white pelargonians and none have flowered as yet.
1 Jul, 2012
Flippin weather Stroller! got a lot to answer for, still waiting for my lobelia to flower:-)
1 Jul, 2012
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very pretty collection
27 Jun, 2012