The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Last of the Autumn harvest, Oct. 2011

Last of the Autumn harvest, Oct. 2011

Lots of luvly pumpkin soup, and I'm a convert to borlotti beans, but by this time of the season the courgettes ARE threatening to be marrows (nice for chutney, though!)

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welcome to GoY

looks like a nice ratouille ???

1 Jul, 2012


welcome to Goy, chutney, go for it : )

1 Jul, 2012


Thanks both! GoY seems a lovely site, only trouble is I've spent FAR too much time today relishing it and its pictures, instead of outside fighting weeds! (thundery and wet so I have my excuse). This picture is from my archive last Autumn but I put it on 'cos I currently garden more veggies than flowers ("needs must" on a small pension!) though I love flowers and want to learn more. (And, yes, ratatouille, soup, various chutneys... they make the slug battle worth while!)

1 Jul, 2012


spent too much time??? oh how could you possibly do that Mon jardinira!!!
i have managed to burn the tea, leave the weeds, forget all else due to being on this site!!! its very addictive!! i made chutney too ~ inspired also by this site!!!

1 Jul, 2012

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