The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Gardeners Keys


By Annella

Gardeners Keys

A little treat to myself, hanging by the side gate

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I like them think there brill:)

3 Jul, 2012


Oh, I do like those and how effective they look. Just right.

3 Jul, 2012


I have admired them for ages, they remind me of secret garden keys :o))

3 Jul, 2012


thats lovely annella, yes i thought secret garden too, i have that book, its lovely.

3 Jul, 2012


They do me aswell :))

3 Jul, 2012


I should read it again Sticki.

3 Jul, 2012


i bought a new copy recently ~ nice pictures!!!
did you know it is also a musical!!!!!

3 Jul, 2012


I Didn't :o)

3 Jul, 2012

3 Jul, 2012


Thanks Sticki x

3 Jul, 2012


Lovely. Adding to Feature Ideas :o)

3 Jul, 2012


Terra, you are busy with features today, but I bet even you couldn't get this on to cushions lol.
Annella, what a fab idea, really looks great. Jxx

3 Jul, 2012


Lol. Jane.
GoYpedia "Cushions" will have to manage without this pic ;o)

3 Jul, 2012


Why oh why do they have to churn everything into a b****y musical? I wish the craze would end....every time we go to London...nothing on but Musicals.....absolutel drivel most of them! ....sorry, musical snob rant over.....for now.....Lovely keys Annie...keep yer eye on em, could be worth a bob or two! ;)

3 Jul, 2012


Aside from musicals, did any one watch The Hollow Crown on Sunday. I thought it was brill. Still dreaming about it. Yes, somewhat bizarre, offbeat dreams. Must stop eating cheese, chocolate and drinking red wine. Jx

3 Jul, 2012


sorry karen i like musicals [well the few i have seen] they put this one on at the school where my son teaches, i really love seeing the children perform, watch their eyes light up as they realise its going well ~ nothing like it.

no sorry jane i missed that ~ is it worth or possible to catch on iplayer?

3 Jul, 2012


Probably Sticki. It's Shakespeare's Richard II, but not dry and boring at all. Jx

3 Jul, 2012


More info please Jane, what channel etc x

3 Jul, 2012


i think OH watched it and he is watching something about Richard I or II now, says its good

3 Jul, 2012


Karen it was £10 for the keys and crown x

3 Jul, 2012


Thanks Annie. Sticki, that is quite alright...I can't watch children perform anything at all without crying! I know loads of people love musicals...sorry about the rant...It annoys me because I love going to the theatre but half the time there is no choice in the West End these days. Having said that, we always do find something...then again...last time we went together we walked out at the interval...oh what was it now....David Walliams was in it....dreadful depressing play...'No Man's Land'..Pinter...Dire. Never walked out of a play before in my life! Must be getting really old and grumpy!

3 Jul, 2012


dont worry karen, you might like the same music as my daughter in law ~ more classical???

i hate the theatre!!!! weird isnt it, i like films though.

loved Les Mis even though i thought i would hate it.

[maybe im biased with the school musicals ~ my son is conducting!!!!]

3 Jul, 2012


It was on BBC2 i think, and there is another this Sunday. Henry IV . The cast list is fantastic, they really make it all come alive. If you can watch Hollow Crown on iplayer or whatever there is these days, do.
I know Shakespeare can be a bit heavy going, but not when it's done well. It's such a change to watch a drama again. All we seem to get these days, is sport, more sport, reality prorammes, diy progs and cooking progs. Whilst I like some of these (NOT SPORT), I kind of loose the will to live with most of them.I must have seen some of the Grand Designs at least 6 times. Jx

3 Jul, 2012


i have a program on most of the time ~ its called...........


3 Jul, 2012


I agree Jane....Grand Designs is fab! Totally out of my sphere of course, but so interesting. I am amazed by creative people!

4 Jul, 2012


I admired them last year at Cottesbrook plant fair and had to have them when they where in the local Gc:o))

8 Jul, 2012


They look perfect there, have just put an old key on one of our pergolas, found it in the drawer with a load of rubbish, not as classy as this set though.

16 Jul, 2012


I was expecting them to cost more than they did Dotty.

17 Jul, 2012


They look more expensive, perhaps they made a mistake lol

18 Jul, 2012


I wonder what they would have opened????

19 Jul, 2012


They had lots of different ones at the Gc yesterday, definitely the right price. I was very tempted by a lovely padlock.

19 Jul, 2012


Ohh don't tempt me to reply to that one.......................!

19 Jul, 2012


Bad girl!!!

19 Jul, 2012

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