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Transfer Bed...the nursery...

Transfer Bed...the nursery...

This bed is for plants which I will eventually relocate.

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I have a bed like that too. Very useful if you have the room.

7 Jul, 2012


It was a necessity...I had all my plants and a huge area to cover...and limited energy. ...just added some compost and plunked them in. I'm happy they're happy!

8 Jul, 2012


i am still planting out stuff from my nursery bed which i stuck in 6 years, a lot of the plants have become big 'mothers', i take chunks of them to plant around the garden, very useful.

9 Jul, 2012


Resi I can always count on you for a reality check! hee hee...will have "the mother of all transplant efforts" someday...meanwhile, I need to cut the blossom stalks off of the iris...weed the chickweed out of the creeping jenny, give some water to the calla lilies...they're coming along but ever-so-slow because they need a wetter bed can't be all things to all plants...but it's better than moving them fifteen times before I get it right!... if I can keep them happy and alive a little while longer all will be well.

9 Jul, 2012


what colour are your callas?
the 'get it just right move', stopped me for a long time from planting them out, now they get moved regularly as i used to plant too close together, to cover the soil, but now that the soil is slowly getting in better condition, they grow more than i ever expected, so it is an ongoing process.

10 Jul, 2012


I've found the callas I have to be sturdy and hardy, they survive the winters in storage and long about March produce healthy I have to make sure I put them in peat so that I can shuffle them in as soon as the soil is warm. They do best where there's lots of water and a little shade. My callas are the specie...I think...they are white with a yellow spathe, and the leaves are a deep green dotted white. I've had them so long I forget how I first bought them...I think I bought one (1) corm at a nursery from a big bin of them. They multiply like rabbits!

10 Jul, 2012


i wrote a long epistle back about cannas when i realized you were talking about callas!! shoot, another senior moment there!
people here grow callas especially in their ditches where their septic tank outflow drains into, nobody is on main drains here. they are planted cause their smell counteracts the less pleasant stink of the drains!!
beautiful solutions, and they certainly dont ever get lifted. i wonder if some of those mountains of beauties were planted by a previous generation.
i have to see if i can take a pic of somebody's ditch around here, they are spectacular

10 Jul, 2012


I'd love to see that... I know that bullrushes are planted to aid in processing sewage. I wish I didn't have to lift them...but they won't survive our cold winters. There's an idea for your pond area, Resi.

11 Jul, 2012


I had cannas they really are too tropical for here..but will try again next year to establish some in the stream...or if I can make some progress with my trusty the pond! resigned to digging and storing.

11 Jul, 2012


posted a pic f some callas, not the best but most are finishing already.
our ditches here dont have water in them , they are mostly very dry exept during the big storms, they are more used for drainage if and when, so the callas are happy with that, i dont think they could take running water.
i have seen bullrushes in the ditches here as well, they do choke though, i think i will stay clear.
my waterlily is doing well, just pushed it another foot deeper in.
would you put cannas in your stream??
here they grow fairly dry, just the odd bit of watering needed, to get them to flower.

12 Jul, 2012


When I dig them every fall, I'm amazed at the root system that spreads away from the corm... I've seen them growing in water..along with colocasias and alocasias...Have you tried them yet? Here a person can buy taro root at the grocery story...granted the plants aren't that spectacular as they are considered an agricultural crop but they produce the most luxuriant green arrow shaped leaves and gives a jungly (such a word?) effect. I planted them and castor bean near my pond (in the city) and they looked really tropical.

15 Jul, 2012


the colocasias and alocasias are not for me, the soil round my pond is the usual concrete variety and they would need too much water and looking after - i have learned the hard way!!- just wouldnt work in my scheme of things, although i love the look of the leaves, as you say a jungly effect, but alas..

17 Jul, 2012


Great idea Lori - easier to keep an eye on them there!

17 Jul, 2012


LOL...yes I just have to cast my eye out my bedroom window. The little (compared to the ones I had in the city) monarda are finally in bloom. Had the tall red ones and didn't bring a root with me when I moved...missed the boat on that one because I think they would do well here.

20 Jul, 2012

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