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Flower of many parts - part deux

Flower of many parts - part deux

(ah just cut n paste ; )
How fantastic are these?
Amazingly one more bud opened!

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Great title!!!!!!!!!! love it stevie!!!!!!

but you have LOADS of buds!!!

9 Jul, 2012


its too much effort, i'll just wait until someone posts one and nick the title ; )

9 Jul, 2012


trouble is no one else has as many passionflowers as you so you will have to nick the title from a different plant altogether!!!!!

9 Jul, 2012


How many Passionflower plants do you have Stevie?

9 Jul, 2012


5 in the polytunnel, Alex, 3 kicking out loads of flower and a couple on my big trellis

9 Jul, 2012


Oh, you do like you Passionflowers!!! I have 5 in total (three different types)

9 Jul, 2012


and well a couple of small ones coming on

9 Jul, 2012


lol....plenty of pictures for us to enjoy then. Do you get fruit on yours?

9 Jul, 2012


no no fruits as yet not sure if they need alot more heat or what or if they just dont fruit over here

9 Jul, 2012


Hhhhhmmm.....probably need more sun and heat then......some types might not bear fruit.

10 Jul, 2012


I have to say I have never had any fruit so might look into that

10 Jul, 2012


passionfruit chutney?!!!

10 Jul, 2012


copy and paste? cheating!!! lol

10 Jul, 2012


phot n flower are mine though : )

10 Jul, 2012


plagiarism in this case is given bonus points ~ made me laugh!!!

10 Jul, 2012


Photo Copyright STT - A pallet communications product
Text used under special toffeecake license by permission of StickiT part of the 'Lets talk Cake' corporation

10 Jul, 2012


cake and diversions only allowed by special permission of
ⓒ STT - A pallet communications product ⓒ

10 Jul, 2012


Beautiful ,love it !

10 Jul, 2012

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View photos by Stevietheterrible

This photo is of "Passion Flower " in Stevietheterrible's garden

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