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Plumeria rubra 'Samoan Fluff' - Samoan Fluff

Plumeria rubra 'Samoan Fluff'  - Samoan Fluff (Plumeria rubra 'Samoan Fluff'  - Samoan Fluff)

This is one of many of my Samoan Fluff Plumeria trees flowering. Photo taken July 13, 2012.

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I like your Desert Rose in the background. Why do you have that green roap on the tree behind this one??? To keep the branches upright?

14 Jul, 2012


You can't have my desert rose! lol! :>) I've had that desert rose for 8 years now.

The green twine is to keep the plumeria tree's branches from breaking. In Sept of 2009 a huge branch broke off and the tree was heavy on one side. All the branches would have broken off if I didn't tie them up.

Here's the photos:

14 Jul, 2012


Ok Delonix, you can keep your Desert Rose.
It's fun growing different types of Desert Rose, they all have slightly different shapes and different rates of growth.

Had a least you made new plants from the broken branches.

15 Jul, 2012


Ok, I'll keep my desert rose. lol! :>)

You haven't posted any new pics of your desert roses. I bet they look great with all the heat you've been getting.

Yes, I made cuttings from the broken branches of my Plumeria 'Plastic Pink'. I need to give them to my previous neighbor.

15 Jul, 2012


Love it..................

15 Jul, 2012



Thanks! :>)

My big Plumeria 'Plastic Pink' is full of should be flowering in another three weeks. It always blooms late...late July or Aug - December.

16 Jul, 2012


I will take some pics soon.....five different types!!!
They ar soooo enjoying the heat and the sun. I have them on the inside of the windowsill with the window open from dusk to dawn.

16 Jul, 2012


I'm surprised you don't have them outside. They absolutely love very strong, blasting hot sun!

17 Jul, 2012

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