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Digitalis Lanata

Digitalis Lanata (Digitalis Lanata)

Not what I was expecting it to look like, but hey-ho, it's definitely a Digitalis anyway! The flowers are tiny. It certainly looks authentically 'woodland', which is what I wanted, but something a little showier would have been nice!

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I could sell foxgloves! lol

14 Jul, 2012


What kinds do you have Pixi?

15 Jul, 2012


purple pink peach and idea of the names..they grow wild here! You are welcome to have some :)

15 Jul, 2012


Thank you Pixi, I shall keep that in my mind in case I decide not to keep these. The border is full, but if plants don't earn their keep they get booted!

15 Jul, 2012


Well they will come up and multiplpy each year I can tell you! I have even planted some in fatboys garden at the other side of the fence and given some to neighbour over the road. and Bees LOVE them!

15 Jul, 2012


Yes, they are lovely aren't they. Being me....I was trying to be 'clever' and have some of the more 'unusual' species digitalis, but it may have 'backfired' on me .....again! ;)

15 Jul, 2012


ach a foxglove is a foxglove lol..:)

15 Jul, 2012


You wouldn't say that if you saw these pathetic specimens! lol ;)

15 Jul, 2012


Aw lol :)))

15 Jul, 2012


No, this is quite different.....the flowers are single and at the leaf junction. It is always nice to see something different.

15 Jul, 2012


Are those from the seed that I sent you? Should've looked like this................

That looks more like D.lutea?

16 Jul, 2012


I bought one on a roadside bench garden sale one year, whilst trawling around waiting for one of the girls to finish exams. Somewhere around Market Rasen area, it was very unusual, have no idea what it was called but it didn't stay. It had lots and lots of tiny tiny petals it was lovely. Very different like them, have just pulled my foxgloves out they just seed everywhere, so thought I would try and cut back on some of them as they were becoming unruly.

16 Jul, 2012


Oliveoil - as tiny as this one................

16 Jul, 2012


ps. managed to collect some of that pretty aquilegia seed (the red one), at least I am hoping I got the right one. lol.apparently it needs a cold spell to make them grow so I will send you some up and you can have a go at it, but stick it in the fridge first before you plant it on top of the compost and see if you can get some to grow. Hopefully we should get some plants between us and I must remember your michaelmas daisy I keep forgetting to dig it up and send it to you. MUST TRY HARDER MUST TRY HARDER!!!

16 Jul, 2012


No, no, don't bother with the M. daisy...remember, I bought one just like it!! Step away from the spade Mum!!

16 Jul, 2012


lol :O) I have not been able to go near a spade for days and days. We visited orthopaedic specialist today, who thinks Sarah might have a slipped disc. MRI Scan ordered for thursday. We then went for acupuncture treatment and then for chiropractic treatment, I am absolutely cream crackered. :o) But think we are at last getting somewhere, Sarah still in teriffic pain if she walks or stands or sits for any length of time but there was a definite improvement from how she was, that is until we had to walk to the clinic from the car park today. Had a wait of 1 and a half hours to see the specialist with Sarah prone on the floor, he decided to send her for a scan, scan could not be done until August until I said I would pay for a private scan they then sent us to another hospital for it and we (surprise surprise) could have it done this week, amazing isn't it 8 weeks of agony and finally they do something they should have done weeks ago. Hoping for a much quieter day tomorrow maybe a walk around the garden hopefully, thanks for the picture of Cal he looks so handsome and very fit. Obviously enjoying himself, the outfits are great proper cowboy and cowgirl stuff there. lol.

16 Jul, 2012


thanks Meanie -sorry but that link would not open for me so not able to view it - very tired and will try looking again tomorrow thank you again.

16 Jul, 2012


Mum, that's terrible. Wonder if they are worried about being sued?.....I mean if it happened on an operating table? Glad you mentioned the private scan.

17 Jul, 2012


Apparently you can slip a disc by sneezing or moving in a different way to normal so do not think that we would be able to prove that it had been done on the operating table. Wouldn't sue them anyway, just would like to know what happened. We shall see what the scan says. The acupuncture seems to have done some good at least so we are hoping for some more good results on Monday when we go again. Sarah says it is like a tingling sensation, weird she says in her toes. Her feet have been as cold as ice since it happened and yesterday after acupuncture they were really warm, now that is what I call a result, after one session eh how good is that. She was so relaxed she nearly fell asleep whilst he was working on her she looked a bit like a porcupine laid there. lol. It was good to talk to him and get some different advice, he said to leave the ice off and go with warmth see if it makes a difference so that is what she has done today, hot water bottle topped up constantly. Fingers are crossed she keeps on feeling better now.

17 Jul, 2012


I never do ice, only heat...can't stand cold on my body...makes me feel dreadful! Hot water bottle always helps me a bit.

17 Jul, 2012

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This photo is of "Grecian Foxglove" in Karensusan63's garden

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