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Agapanthus....just opening.

Agapanthus....just opening.

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I love to see agapanthus and yours look beautiful.

17 Jul, 2012


mine are trying julia :o))

17 Jul, 2012


Beautiful! Mine's only has leaves :(

17 Jul, 2012


will do thanx julia :o)

17 Jul, 2012


I bought blue ones and they turned out to be white ones! I thought they weren't getting enough light so I moved them recently, as like Sanbaz I just have lots of leaves - will give them a dose of Tomerite to see if that will do the trick! Thanks :o)

18 Jul, 2012


Oh dear Julia, maybe no flowers again this year then:o( They were originally in the ground BUT I've potted them into just two terracotta pots! They were pushed in a bit tight, I will be honest... You never know!

18 Jul, 2012


Thanks for the tip Meadowland.....I'll remember to do this next year. I'm not going to bother this year - I'm at the stage now that I just couldn't careless!

18 Jul, 2012


Lovely, most of ours are in flower now, it must be the rain.....

18 Jul, 2012


That's a beauty Julia :o))

19 Jul, 2012


Love 'em Julia. Ive had that problem with them not flowering too well too. I managed to get hold of some really high potash feed that only has to be done once a month (great for lazy people like me) All my 'aggies' are flowering now - yippee. You can get it on internet if anyones interested. - Ill have a dig about in the shed!!

19 Jul, 2012


Mine are hopefully about to flower....

19 Jul, 2012

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