Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud
By Karensusan63
- 21 Jul, 2012
Yesterday I felt one of my shrubs was rather naked without a clematis, so off I went to the GC. They had a bogof on their clems, so this one came home too. Haven't had this one in this garden at all...hope it thrives.
Comments on this photo
lol...spring flowering shrubs can be quite dull the rest of the year don't you think? A clematis really solves that! Enjoy your splurge! :D
21 Jul, 2012
Shall do!
21 Jul, 2012
Gorgeous - saw this in B&Q today. BTW - no astilbes :(
Can I ask a bit of advice about growing clematis into shrubs please Karen?
Do you just plant near the base and do they then just spread their way through? Sorry for sounding stupid. I see on here all the time about growing clematis through shrubs and never quite understand.
21 Jul, 2012
Basically yes, but the important thing is to ensure that the clematis roots are well away from the shrub roots. Clematis need a heck of a lot of water and food, so they don't compete well with big root systems of shrubs and trees. I planted three smaller growing ones near these hollies and the poor things just could not get going. So I learned the hard way! The roots need to be ....oh, 2 feet at the very least away from the host (depending on the host) I would say, in lovely deep, rich, moist soil. Then, after that it is simply a case of keeping them moist and fed and yes, letting them do their own thing through the shrub.
22 Jul, 2012
Thanks ever so much for the's much appreciated :)
22 Jul, 2012
My pleasure! :D
22 Jul, 2012
This has flowered for months here, a very pretty clem.
24 Jul, 2012
It is, and one that definitely needed adding to my 'collection' A!
25 Jul, 2012
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This photo is of "Clematis Comtesse De Bouchaud" in Karensusan63's garden
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I MUST get some more clematis. We have a very good clematis grower nearby who has an open day next week. I shall take my old mum out there, and we shall splurge, I think! (I love the idea of a naked shrub!)
21 Jul, 2012