Indigofera heterantha - 2012
By Andrewr

25 Jul, 2012
Don't grow this shrub if you are a worrier! It never starts to show any new shoots until mid May, often fooling you into thinking it's dead in early spring
Comments on this photo
Well it certainly puts on a lot of growth every year. I cut to within one bud of the old growth, otherwise it would get completely out of hand. I think I might follow your example soon and cut it to the ground one year
25 Jul, 2012
You are so right, mine finally flowered too...thought I lost it as nothing was happening till about June..
25 Jul, 2012
Worth it though Michaella, as they flower for at least a couple of months then.
26 Jul, 2012
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This photo is of "Indigofera heterantha" in Andrewr's garden
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Yes not for the feint hearted. I found that with both of my Indigofera tinctoria true Indigo, (got them as trees) grew so fast and could not support the weight of the branches that broke off. Had them both cut to the ground and they just grew again. But they are lovely. Do you find these are less vigorous and more manageable Andrew.
25 Jul, 2012