Slug Assasin! (blog no. 2)
By Popeymike

29 Jun, 2008
Seek and destroy! Found him wandering around the garden last night, think he may be blind as he walked straight into the camera. The poor fella's also only got one back leg but seems to get about ok.
Comments on this photo
great photo ,,,,,, poor wee thing but he must be surviving even with all his injuries
29 Jun, 2008
Great photo
29 Jun, 2008
Looks like he's had a tough life.
29 Jun, 2008
Wish i could get 1 as well in my garden, he still looks cute.
29 Jun, 2008
Great little helper!
30 Jun, 2008
Is this a hedgehog? He's cute, but looks a little beat up :( Your new photo assisstant, Tripod, eh.
3 Jul, 2008
Popeymike we have had a hedgehog pop in to the garden this week and last week and he made such a loud noice.
6 Jul, 2008
Great to hear- perhaps all those slugs gave him indigestion?!
6 Jul, 2008
Ahhh poor little thing, I want one too living in my garden I've even started to make a leaf pile so one can make it a home, but I don't know if it will work or not.
7 Jul, 2008
Are`nt hedgehogs the Cutiest slug/snail eaters alive :) 1 nite when i was taking Summer4 her normal walk i found a Huge Hedgehog walking up the path in the street ipicked him up & toke indoors 2 show my 2 teenagers how cute they are :) Its ok Goy Members i took him back 2 the same place id found him&let him go lol ;)
8 Jul, 2008
Wow, Jacque! He didn't mind being picked up, huh? How brave you are. I don't think that we have hedgehogs around here. Opossums, we have for sure...but they just try to eat my dogs food.
10 Jul, 2008
23 Oct, 2009
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29 Jun, 2008