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Valeriana officianalis

Valeriana officianalis (Valeriana officinalis (Arznei-Baldrian))

I was so impressed as these flowering stalks reached three foot and the flowering umbels like baseballs. Little did I know that this was half its size. I also discovered an almost unpleasant smell, but paired with tall nice fragrances, the floweriness is enhanced. Maybe lovely with my sweet smelling Trollius, Golden Queen.

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They make a good show GT, I've these and the pink and NOT cut them for indoors....I had such a job finding where that smell was coming!

25 Aug, 2012


This whole area of the garden really took on a sour smell. It seems to enhance other flower smells, but cannot stand alone at all. :-) I'll find a more appropriate place for it in the new garden. It is so huge! Some where protected from rain and far from the front door. :-)

26 Aug, 2012


We've had so much rain here this summer GT, I was putting it down to it not agreeing with the flowers. They do love the hot and dry conditions don't they?

27 Aug, 2012


Our wild valeriana is always found somewhere more wet. I am looking to protect those flower heads. I watched them stare at the ground for a month his year before I just cut them off, weighted down by the rain. We've had a lot of rain here this summer too, resulting in the coolest July in 30 years.

27 Aug, 2012

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