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New lily. White with pink blush.

New lily. White with pink blush. (Lilium vivaldi)

Lily in front garden

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I expect nothing less from you now Chris - A beauty.

29 Jun, 2008


Thanks Ams,

29 Jun, 2008


Gorgeous photo

30 Jun, 2008


Thanks Gillian. It is a particularly nice lily, and totally different to what I expected.

30 Jun, 2008


The colour is so delicate...does it have a nice soft fragrance too?

2 Jul, 2008


Yes Lori, it has a very delicate fragrence. I just went out to check.

2 Jul, 2008


Is there a name, Chris? It's so classic...must have one.

2 Jul, 2008


Sorry Lori. This is a mystery lily. I bought 2 packets of lilies, all red. I put them all in the same bed (It's my red bed). I was astonished to see this lily appear. They were 2 in each packet and I've definitely got some red ones. So I guess one of the packets had a wrong colour in there. I must say it's a lovely one so I don't mind.

2 Jul, 2008 favourite flower! I had red ones too but the high winds the other Sunday blew over the pot and broke them all. Shame. At least I got a photo first!

2 Jul, 2008


Then it is a gift for you alone, Chris! how nice.... maybe you have something there? maybe do some googling and see if there is a var like it listed...otherwise maybe some plant breeder goofed and you've got something special? Say have you ever done any reading about the plant hunter, (E.H.Wilson), who brought numerous plants back to European gardens from a valley in southwest China. He's best remembered for the Regal Lily...(easter, madonna)
also brought species of clematis, roses, poppies, etc. If you check him out I promise you an interesting read.

3 Jul, 2008



4 Jul, 2008


Beautiful lily and stunning photo :-)

5 Apr, 2010

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This photo is of species Lilium vivaldi.

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This photo is of "Lillium" in Chrispook's garden

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