Giant Hollyhocks
By Pansypotter

9 Aug, 2012
The Hollyhocks were grown from seed kindly sent to me from Amy. This one is now over Seven and a Half Feet tall and the flowers are beautiful;0)
Comments on this photo
They look like dinner plates. lol Jx
9 Aug, 2012
Oh Carole they have done well I was actually wondering how tall mine were this afternoon they are almost as tall as the garage roof I would need a step ladder to climp up to measure them , they are brilliant aren't they :o))
9 Aug, 2012
Wow,Carole..that is some flower ! lovely colour too..:o)
Do you have to stake them? I grew them at our last house,but they all got rust,so I don't do them anymore..
9 Aug, 2012
Thanks All they are stunning aren't they!
Sandra you do need to stake them, this one is growing besides my Clothes post and tied to it lol
9 Aug, 2012
I have had a brill "showing " from mine this year .
They are such a willing plant , with a wonderful array of colours .
Just lovely , Pansy .
9 Aug, 2012
Good idea,Carole :o)..I don't have any clothes posts..shame Lol....only hooks on the wall and shed :o)
9 Aug, 2012
Thanks Driad, pleased yours are putting on a lovely show for you;0)
You will have to buy some extra large canes Sandra ;0)
10 Aug, 2012
Carole I made Tony get the stepladder out this morning to measure our tallest Hollyhock 10ft.3" the seed I sent you is from this plant , who knows yours might be that tall next year !
10 Aug, 2012
Good Grief,Amy ! If Carole's is that big next year,I will be able to see it over our side of the Pennines ! Lol.
10 Aug, 2012
Lol just think Sandra We can share plants no matter the distance just have to climb the hills ;0))
10 Aug, 2012
I have news for you , will be climbing it on your own ! :o))
10 Aug, 2012
Well Sandra the glory will be mine going Solo! lol,
10 Aug, 2012
I will take a pic of you waving at me..clinging on at the top of it..:o)
10 Aug, 2012
LOL Carole you could hold on tightly to the top then get Harry to pull it down and let go with a twang you would fly across to Sandra ... :o))
11 Aug, 2012
I can just picture that,Amy :o)..Harry would carefully monitor the 'twang' and make sure she landed at the pub we meet up in.! Lol.
11 Aug, 2012
Now that I like Sandra ! I wonder if Tony could 'twang ' me that far on mine :o))
11 Aug, 2012
I'm sure he could Amy..:o) let me know when you are ready to be' twanged'...and we will see you there..please don't tell Tony you want to be 'Tango'd instead,will you ? ...get it right,for goodness sake ..Lol.x
11 Aug, 2012
LOL Oh my goodness I'll try to get the wording right Sandra ,actually he might get the wrong idea when I say I want to be ' twanged ' he's not here at the moment to find out :o))
11 Aug, 2012
Well you two have had lots of fun while I have been trying desperately to comment too,, but have had problems commenting on my own pictures, over the last few days, its intermittent but very frustrating as it keeps sending up the wrong screen usually the login one, did have this problem a year ago , looks like its back again!
Getting back to the Hollyhocks, Im amazed at the height of yours, thought I had won the Gold but seems like I will have to do with Silver lol really am pleased with them though, but wouldnt it be nice to see the flowers open all at the same time, what a sight that would be!
11 Aug, 2012
Whilst you are all being twanged into the pub , I think that I could join you all , I haven't measured mine but they are very tall , I'd at least come in for a bronze !
I have thought of a way not to involve OHs ; a strong elastic band secured to the top of the plant , anchored to the ground in some way with the other end of the band , climb aboard , cut elastic ; we have take off !
11 Aug, 2012
ooh, naughty girl ! Lol..better keep your mouth shut then..we will manage somehow !:o))
11 Aug, 2012
Glad you have got sorted,Carole..just been reading your PM annoying if you are having problems again...and I would hate for you not to see Amy getting 'twanged' to the' Great Western'..Lol...OK,gold for Amy,Silver for you,and definitely a bronze for Driad....for coming up with the solution to just having a girly pub lunch..! :o) So it looks like a booby prize for me sob,sob...I'll just have another pudding,to compensate..that will do nicely :o)
Will PM you later,Carole x
11 Aug, 2012
Love this colour!
11 Aug, 2012
I hope your computer problem soon sorts itself out Carole they really put your stress levels up don't they ? mine has had a couple of screen freezes on this site recently I'm never sure if it's this site or something else..
Congratulations on being the proud winner of the Silver medal for your Hollyhock this year ,next year it will be the big one ! I can see an annual competition coming on here ☺ yes it would be fab. if they all opened up at once ,congrats Driad on your Bronze also plus your very inventive way of 'Twanging ' us to reach the pub together on time :o) Sandra as a consolation prize you can have some of the prize winning seed when it's available and we will let you buy us the first round of drinks when we all 'Twang ' in to your favourite pub LOL ...
Thanks Michaella !
12 Aug, 2012
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So pretty
9 Aug, 2012