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fouintain now just an ornament

fouintain now just an ornament

This was my very favourite of all the water features I had - the pump got damaged when mum's dog caught the cable and pulled it off the table, so until I can find a new pump it'll do outdoors for a static water feature. The cherub's head got knocked off - the only thing to get damaged when I moved! - so I need to glue it back on.

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Make a nice bowl for Houseleeks Fran.

12 Aug, 2012


I was thinking of using it as a pool for birds, but it'd be a bit deep for them. Of ocurse I could take the top half off, leave it as a single large bowl, and use the smaller bowls and figures as a separeate ornament. but the three bowls might make planters for tiny plants

lol I'm still sort of hoping that I can get a new pump for it - it'd have to move indoors, unless I can get an outdoor pump - and a pwer source that I can charge up at the mains!

12 Aug, 2012


I wonder if there is a solar way of doing it?

12 Aug, 2012


I only get about an hour's sun a day, if I'm lucky - I have a 4-dish solar fountain that's shoved under one of the tables, out of the way - not worth it being there all the time, being tripped over often, for just an hour's worth of action.

12 Aug, 2012


No its not

12 Aug, 2012


and I'm a tiny bit paranoid about having mains electricity outside, so I've been looking for some sort of battery pack that I can charge up on the mains, then plug in to the feature, but either no one makes them or I've not been able to find exactly the right key words to exclude "solar", which comes up with monotonous regularity

12 Aug, 2012


I typed in LED water feature and that brought up plug in ones but you have to buy the whole lot from what I could see.

12 Aug, 2012


never thought of that keyword, Drc, I've tried so many others, alone or in combination. What I like about this fountain is that there aren't any lights - I get a bit tired of "colour change" fountains - would be a lot better if one could fix the colour to suit one's mood! But I'll hava a go at puting your keyword in and seeing what I get, thanks much

13 Aug, 2012


You could always change a bulb to the colour of your choice as long as it is not a sealed unit, best of luck

13 Aug, 2012


It's a very nice water feature Fran ,I hope you manage to solve the problem I'm useless with any kind of electrical stuff , you sound to me as though you are a ' Jack of all trades ' and can turn your hand to most things :o)

13 Aug, 2012


thanks Amy - I tend to shy away from electricity, especially when there's water around - unless one is very lucky, one doesn't often get the chance to make a second mistake.

I've still got the old pump, and I thought I'd take it to a shop and say, Can I have one of these, but working - at least i'd be able to reinstate it as an indoor feature - mind you, it'd need cleaning up and repainting, and the cherub would need to get his head back.

But it was such a lovely sound. I've had features that were too loud, or too splashy, I prefer a gentle chuckle to a roaring torrent.

13 Aug, 2012


That's a good idea to take the old pump to a shop Fran ,you will get exactly what you need , leave the cleaning up and repairs until the dark winter nights .......

13 Aug, 2012


smiles, that'll give me something to do in the long dark evenings

13 Aug, 2012

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