Cassia leptophylla - Gold Medallion Trees
By Delonix1

16 Aug, 2012
This is another photo I took on Aug. 10, 2012. This is one of the most widely planted Cassia species planted in San Diego, CA.
Comments on this photo
Did I send you Cassia leptophylla seeds? I can't remember. lol!
17 Aug, 2012
No, but I already have C.bicapsularis growing........
17 Aug, 2012
C. bicapsularis is weed; it's definitely not as nice as C. leptophylla. Also, the flowers are much larger and very sweetly fragrance on C. leptophylla. :>)
17 Aug, 2012
C. bicapsularis is said to be best suited to our (lousy) climate though. Beggars can't be choosers as they say!
17 Aug, 2012
I'm actually surprised C. bicapsularis can grow outside there. Typically Cassia (Senna) species hate cold wet soil in winter! (even in summer they like dry soil).
17 Aug, 2012
Absolutely! But the people who grow it over here can get it through the winter ok at just frost free (ie; unheated greenhouse) as opposed to needing heat for the more exotic species..........
17 Aug, 2012
That's makes sense.
18 Aug, 2012
As I say, sometimes we have to be realistic! Less realistic is the fact that I may have seeds for C.didymobotrya. These are one of the seeds that I intend sending you..........
18 Aug, 2012
Thank you for thinking of me!
However, C. didymobotrya can be extremely invasive here. One of my neighbor's has it taking over their whole yard.
Now, if you have seeds to Cassia javanica, grandis, backeriana, nodosa, roxburghii (my favorite which is not realiably hardy in San Diego), or saimea...then I'll take them. lol! :>)
If you get a chance, read this:
19 Aug, 2012
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This photo is of species Cassia leptophylla - Gold Medallion Tree.
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17 Aug, 2012