Coronation Street "Hilda Ogden" Patio Rose
By Pansypotter

20 Aug, 2012
This is a new one bought at weekend, I have put it in a large pot at the back of my patio Rockery so I can see it from the Conservatory.
Comments on this photo
Beautiful rose Pp
20 Aug, 2012
Thanks Michaella didnt know you had this one, have you a picture please;0)
Thanks Val the descriptoin says Hardy and Tough must be after its namesake lol
20 Aug, 2012
VERY pretty!:)
20 Aug, 2012
Thanks Violet, not grown them in a tub before but there's plenty of room in this one!
20 Aug, 2012
That looks nice,Carole..I'm sure it will be fine in that pot..all you need is a 'Stan' to go with it now :o) Lol.
20 Aug, 2012
Hi Sandra, you must have read my mind as Im looking for a Stan to go in the pot on the other side lol
20 Aug, 2012
Beautiful. I have a large old copper, now wearing that lovely verdigris look of age. One of these little pink roses would look gorgeous in it. Another 'want' to add to the list for this spring, which is just around the corner now.
20 Aug, 2012
Lol,Carole..and don't forget a 'Muriel' for the Conservatory wall :o)
21 Aug, 2012
It looks lovely in your big pot Carole , I didn't know there was one called 'Hilda Ogden' I suspect there is one for almost all famous names now ..
21 Aug, 2012
Thanks Dwyllis your copper sounds ideal and Im sure that Hilda will be very happy in there;0)
Sandra who is Muriel? lol
Thanks Amy very pleased with it it looks just right there and I can see it from inside ;0))
21 Aug, 2012
Sandra is kidding Carole she is refering to the wall painting ' Mural ' in Hilda's sitting room , she always called it her Muriel ! :o))
21 Aug, 2012
Thank you, saved me explaining ! :o)..and Carole a Lancashire lass too..I was sure she would have known .Lol.
21 Aug, 2012
Thanks Amy for reminding me, I remember it now lol
Sandra you did have me racking my brains as to who Muriel was, but I had much better things on my mind in those days ;0)))
21 Aug, 2012
However could you forget'Muriel',Carole being an artistic lady ! :o)
22 Aug, 2012
lol Sandra its very easy to forget somethings, especially when you want to!
22 Aug, 2012
Pansy please can you tell me which compost or whatever you used in your tub for your rose please. I have a half barrel which I want to plant with something nice and wondered about putting a rose in it. Thanks in advance. B
22 Aug, 2012
Lovely, just like Hilda, lol. I remember her Mural (or Muriel, as she called it), flying ducks too.
22 Aug, 2012
Olive I just used general purpose compost with around one third garden soil and a small amount of fish and bone fertilizer, no expert though I have only a few roses;0)
Dawn Now I do remember the Flying Geese as I had some too when we lived at the Cottage lol
23 Aug, 2012
thanks for that Pansy, I have one in a tub and I used John Innes No 3 so that should be ok for it. Never sure what to use in tubs, thanks again. :O)
23 Aug, 2012
Lol PP
23 Aug, 2012
Very pretty Rose Carole, no rollers and headscarf thank goodness! Do you think you ought to put Stan in the same tub? I can feel a lot of rowing coming!
25 Aug, 2012
Lol Janey no I think definately keep them apart, they may end up knocking each others heads off lol
26 Aug, 2012
This is really pretty, does she have a smell? I was thinking it was odd naming a rose after a fictitious character rather than the actress, then thought about Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure etc, but Hilda was only associated with one actress Jean ... erm.. ? (who's name escapes me at the moment lol) so I still wonder why :-)
28 Aug, 2012
Thanks Ba, not much scent which is a little disappointing, I cantremember Jean's surnamr but I supose it is a little strange, but then she is so well known as Hilda I think most people would recognise her by her stage name;0)
28 Aug, 2012
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Glad you have this Carole, I bought mine last year, it is a beauty!
20 Aug, 2012