The pyracantha
By Poppylover99

22 Aug, 2012
A few months on now. Its made a bit of growth but Ill have to be patient before I can cloud prune it!
Comments on this photo
Lol Willi. I had forgotten it attacked you!
24 Aug, 2012
Yeah, I haven't! lol
25 Aug, 2012
Whats "cloud "pruning poppylover ?
15 Nov, 2012
Ooooh bit hard to describe Gralew. If you have a look at Mossys photos, he has a mature cloud pruned pyracantha, which is what inspired me to do this one. You can cloud prune alot of other things though - usually conifers.
16 Nov, 2012
Found out what it is Poppy, looks quite effective and different,
19 Nov, 2012
Yes I think so Gralew. You do need a bit of patience though, something Im not so good at!
19 Nov, 2012
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Hissssssssssss! Lol
24 Aug, 2012