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Verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop'

Verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop' (Verbena bonariensis)

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Must try this smaller variety.....

24 Aug, 2012


I'm hoping that it seeds itself like its big brother!

27 Aug, 2012


My tall ones did - I dug up 18 babies from the gravel, and potted them up. Mind you, if 'Lollipop' does seed itself, would its offspring revert to being tall?

29 Aug, 2012


I got a Claret Verbena bonariensis lollipop. I did not realise when I planted it that it would be dwarfed by its neighbours and wished it was taller. I hope it self seeds and I'll transplant it. My perennial gerberas looked very healthy having come through the awful winter but I have not had a single flower. I am wondering if I should dig them up and bring them in to the greenhouse this year or leave them to get stronger where they are, in the hope that next year they will perform.

3 Sep, 2012


If they're the 'Everlast' ones, they should be OK outside., and you should get flowers next year - it's not too late to get some this year, either! The new 'Garvineas' I had last year weren't hardy - even in the milder winter we had. So much for advertising. :-(((

3 Sep, 2012


It was Garvineas I bought. It really has been topsy turvy weather over the last 18 months. I would have expected your climate to be several degrees warmer than ours as we are so much further north but maybe being closer to the sea has helped us. We are very open to wind from the west and east. I have noticed we have had more wind from the east this summer. That is a colder wind than from the west but the garden is more sheltered from it. I'll leave them in the ground and see what happens.

3 Sep, 2012


Good luck with them. It'll be interesting to see if yours survive.

4 Sep, 2012


lollipop may not come true as it is a hybrid. but the genes might be quite stable in which case lollipops all round.

4 Sep, 2012


I shan't mind, really, as long as it does produce babies of some sort.

6 Sep, 2012


I will too because it is not a plant I have had much success with.

6 Sep, 2012


I suspect it might be a bit tender in your part of the world.

8 Sep, 2012

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