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Bismarckia nobilis - Bismarck Palms

Bismarckia nobilis - Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis - Bismarck Palm)

These gorgeous Bismarck palms were planted back in 1997 from 24in boxes. They have grow very well over the last 15 years. Photo taken in Balboa Park next to the Botanical Building, San Diego, CA. on Aug. 21, 2012.

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Love the colour of these, tried one over here but its not a happy plant!

27 Aug, 2012


Bismarck palm is not happy at all in pots. It must have hot, full sun.

Brahea armata (Mexican Blue Palm) is better as a potted palm. It also doesn't grow as massive as Bismarck.

27 Aug, 2012


Sun has been in short supply here this year D, I have a B.armarta which was in a pot for a few years but is now in the garden in a sheltered spot :o)

27 Aug, 2012


B. armata loves a lot of sun, also. It's a much hardier palm than B. nobilis.

B. armata is practically a native native to Mexico just a few miles south of the border of San Diego and Mexico. It can become a very large tree to 65ft (20m) in about 150 years. lol! :>)

It's a very common palm here in San Diego...and there's many very tall, old trees here.

27 Aug, 2012

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