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Swallowtail and tanacetum

Swallowtail and tanacetum

This swallowtail flew right in next to me and flitted around taking short rests while I took loads and loads of pictures. One of those moments this spring when I thought about how it just couldn't get better. (I should have remembered that means something is around the corner and now I don't even live at this garden I'll always have this time with the swallowtail. And they will surely come to the new garden.

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Wow...such a beautiful butterfly Gt....Wonderfully captured...:>)

28 Aug, 2012


Thank you Moti. She was so agreeable, usually they flit away once the camera powers on.

28 Aug, 2012


They can lead you a merry chase...but they are the loveliest of the butterflies, I think. Monarchs a nice...but these and the White Admiral are my favs. Butterfly portents...when we had to put Mandy down I came out of the Vet's office in a fog...I was so bereft. A White Admiral drifted up beside me and flew beside me all the way to the car! it was like it was Mandy in another form trying to reassure me! Wonderful experience.

28 Aug, 2012


I love this GT, these are such stunning butterflies aren't they......really magical. Thats a comforting story Lori, they are such beautiful innocent creatures, I had one land on Lottie the other day when she was sleeping in the sun....:))

28 Aug, 2012


I find myself running interference for the butterflies if they are anywhere near Rufus. He would have it in a I shoo it away from him.
Janey: little Lottie is a butterfly magnet! it!

29 Aug, 2012


I do love these visitors, such big and graceful things. This one was so calm. I do find them brave, unless the camera comes out, they are shy. Thank you both for your comments.

Lori, that story is wonderful. I would be very comforted.

Janey, I would love to see something like that. Bianca would attack it, and I think they know better. Lottie must be a dear.

29 Aug, 2012


Lol, luckily Lottie was asleep, spark out, otherwise she would have been leaping up and down yapping more than likely! She has a lovely nature, but is full,of beans and raring to go.......

5 Sep, 2012



6 Sep, 2012

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