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Hydrangea quercifolia 'Sikes Dwarf'

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Sikes Dwarf'

I don't think I could have too many oakleaf hydrangeas and I think the coarse texture of this will look nice with my Miss Grace dawn redwood.

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Mine H.qf is like this, too, but this year it didn´t bloom. It got enough water and fertiliser. Any idea why it can happen? I planted it last autumn.

1 Sep, 2012


Read my blog, Common Plant questions because that is probably the question I answer most :). Usually late Spring frost or critters eating the flower buds during winter. Oakleaf hydrangeas are a favorite food of deer and rabbits.

1 Sep, 2012


Hi, I do not have any of natural enemies in my garden, nor there were spring frosts as the spring and summer were hot, Rkwright.

1 Sep, 2012


There are a number of reasons why a hydrangea might not flower, especially one that flowers on old wood such as H. quercifolia and H. macrophylla/serrata. If it has been in the ground for one season, that could be why it hasn't flowered. This one flowered last year but not this year, I am assuming it is because I took cuttings late last summer but I also moved it in fall. I've had that happen after moving them before, not exactly sure why but it can happen with a lot of plants. Young oakleaf hydrangeas are going to be more tender to cold than older, well-established plants too. As long as it looks healthy, don't worry about it though. It should bloom next year.

2 Sep, 2012


Thank you very much. Let´s hope. :)

2 Sep, 2012

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