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Echinacea pow wow 'Wild Berry'

Echinacea pow wow 'Wild Berry' (Echinacea)

For my records

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I love that!!

8 Sep, 2012


It's a cracker isn't ladies - I couldn't help myself when I saw it :))

9 Sep, 2012


this one also is lovable:-)))

9 Sep, 2012


My poor echinacea never flowered this year so its lovely to see you have had success! What a beauty. I received half a dozen freebies from gardners world mag and so far they seem to be developing quite well fingers crossed for a display next year.

15 Sep, 2012


Have to admit to buying this in flower Janette - all my other's were slug food!!! They are coming away now - but it will be too late for them too flower.
Good luck with yours next year. Just be wary of the slugs when the new shoots start to show ;)

16 Sep, 2012


I really must get this one, such a lovely colour :o)

8 Oct, 2012


It has Annella - it seems much 'brighter' than other echinaceas with similar colours.

8 Oct, 2012

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