Clematis x triternata 'Rubromarginata' - 2012
By Andrewr

13 Sep, 2012
Let this one scramble over something such as, in this case, paeonies. Protect young growth from slugs
Comments on this photo
Very dainty and unusual.
27 Sep, 2012
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This photo is of "Clematis x triternata 'Rubromarginata'" in Andrewr's garden
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That's dainty. I like the lilac tips on the white petals. I'm looking for a clematis to climb up a tree trunk ....something robust & vigorous .....but not too rampant, so Montana is out, though intend to put a pink Montana along my back wall, to mingle with my lovely veilchenblau climbing rose which I put in last year.
13 Sep, 2012