Ivy cup
By Franl155

15 Sep, 2012
noticed that some Ivy leaves holding previous rain; took about a dozen pics but this is ab out the best
Comments on this photo
I wonder if you had that huge sudden downpour a while back Fran.
16 Sep, 2012
well, Nariz, "rain from a previous shower".
Boy, did, I, Dorjac! it was brief but intense. Oh, if only I had a waterbutt I could have filled it up in minutes!
16 Sep, 2012
Shower? The only shower I have had experience of recently is the one in my bathroom. ;o)
17 Sep, 2012
well, "shower" was the only word other than "cloudburst", and I was sving that worf for Dorjac's comment!
17 Sep, 2012
Silly me for showing off about our lovely weather - rain is predicted for the next two days! Mind you - that doesn't mean we're going to get any!! But the sky does look a bit ominous at the moment!
17 Sep, 2012
ah, tempting fate is never a good idea, Nariz! but no doubt it'll come in handy for filling waterbutts - has it been dry there very long?
Of course, no guarantee that it'll rain just because they say it will! but usually, when they forecast rain, they're right; it's only when they forecast sun that I reach for my umbrella.
18 Sep, 2012
Yup - we got the rain - not as much as the ground is screaming for, but at least the poor meadow will feel the benefit on its brown parched grass! We're supposed to get more today - of COURSE we are - we've got visitors coming from Britain! But tomorrow up go the temps again then we'll ALL be brown and crispy! We haven't had rain for about 6 weeks and even the last shower was simply that - a light shower! Luckily we have no water restrictions here and we have natural spring water so the garden is fine.
19 Sep, 2012
I'm not sure if the hosepipe bans over here are still on; doesn't apply to me, as it's quicker for me to use a watering can - just need to remember that it needs doing daily
19 Sep, 2012
Yes ... this 'remembering' lark gets harder each year! ;o)
20 Sep, 2012
Everything very dry at the moment in ESSEX. No real fall of rain for ages apart from the sudden deluge a while back. Been hose watering the garden now the bans lifted. Saves my ankle I broke in December.
20 Sep, 2012
the porb with most of my pots is, being small, when i wter, it runs straight thorugh and out the bottom. I need to stand them on trays or something so that the water's there to be called on later when they need it - did think of gravel trays, with wicks to lead the water into the pot - most of the new plantings have water retaining gel, but not the earlier plantings, so they and I will hve to put up wiht a fix-up until repotting time rolls round again
20 Sep, 2012
found..thats really lovely... i love it when the rain does that...
18 Oct, 2013
lol you found it then Jane! the "pool" in yours is bigger, and closer-up, but this is the best of the batch I took. that little reddish twig is actually floating - maybe it was at the "deep end".
There's so much magic right under our noses that we often don't notice - how a spider builds its web, how a kestrel hovers movitonless - or how rain collects on plant leaves.
lol when people say they look up to heaven for a miracle, I tell them to lower their gaze!
18 Oct, 2013
:-)))) good
18 Oct, 2013
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Um .... "previous rain?" What's that? I don't think we have that here. ;o)
16 Sep, 2012