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Heliconia stricta 'Dwarf Jamaican'

Heliconia stricta 'Dwarf Jamaican'   (Heliconia stricta 'Dwarf Jamaican')

These plants used to be one plant. I cut it into four sections last week. I've had this plant for 10 years and have not gotten one flower spike! I hope to get it to bloom this year or next spring! Photo taken Sept. 16, 2012.

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Great patience Delonix!

22 Sep, 2012


Yes, tell me about it! It hasn't really been fertilized regularly, though. Heliconia species in pots need a tremendous amount fertilizer to bloom.

23 Sep, 2012


I grew those in a warm greenhouse. The flowers were much like "Lobster claw Heliconia" in look...and also were just as large as the plant they grew on.
Could never get it to live indoors or through a winter outdoors on the porch. Below 45f or so at night is too cold.

14 Sep, 2014


This Heliconia has only bloomed once for me and that was last summer. It needs a tremendous amount of fertilizer.
It's perfectly hardy here in San Diego.

15 Sep, 2014

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