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Click then to video and music from the National Botanical Gardens of Wales :)

Comments on this photo


Lovely picture and the link is beautiful, I love it when pictures and music really go together and enhance each other. Also it seemed most appropriate that it was evening, the sunset fits so well with the autumnal theme.

23 Sep, 2012


Very true.

23 Sep, 2012


very good idea Katarina. I visited the Botanic Gardens of Wales in Spring this year. Maybe I could do a blog (in winter) and borrow your idea? lol

23 Sep, 2012


Please, borrow my idea, Kasy! That would be fantastic! Lol.

23 Sep, 2012


Now I got your permission - I will do it;-) but honestly you have to wait till winter. Working 6 days a week now so no time to do a blog;-(

23 Sep, 2012


I can imagine. Take a rest now. I remember your visit - and it was so long time ago?

23 Sep, 2012


:) early spring? don't remember what month it was...

23 Sep, 2012

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