Native Bottlebrush
By Kaysiebrat

23 Sep, 2012
Native bottlebrush New Zealand Ground Cover
Comments on this photo
I like that one which variety is it please?
23 Sep, 2012
I also like your cute little blue "birdies" in it.
23 Sep, 2012
Little blue birds are Pukeko a New Zealand bird a favourite of mine.
Plantoholic sorry hubby said tags mixed up and this isnt a fushia at all is a ground cover Bottlebrush the full size tree is also known as the New Zealand Xmas tree for it flowers at christmas time and the earlier the flower the longer the summer is said to be
24 Sep, 2012
Thanks Kaysiebrat.
24 Sep, 2012
Kay, thanks for the info on the birdies.
24 Sep, 2012
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Thats pretty and quite different to the Fuchsias I grow. Welcome to GOY.
23 Sep, 2012