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Lagerstroemia 'Sioux'

Lagerstroemia 'Sioux' (Lagerstroemia indica)

It's too bad this didn't flower this year but the fall color isn't at all disappointing.

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very colourful, you certainly have some unusual shrubs.

28 Sep, 2012


I love the Crape Myrtle trees. I just bought Crape Myrtle Dynamite (which is red) I have no idea if it will survive in this "wettish" climate. It is still in pot. Bought it for the foilage . It is beautiful yours.

28 Sep, 2012


Dynamite is a beautiful red form but is one of the varieties real susceptible to mildew and other foliage disease. If you treat it with Daconil or another fungicide regularly you should be okay though. Have you heard of 'Cherry Dazzle'? It's a dwarf red form and very resistant to some of the fungus problems many crepe myrtle varieties have. I had problems with 'Red Rocket' last Spring when it was cool and damp but the Daconil worked great.
I was surprised how red the foliage was on this, my other crepe myrtles turned sort of a dark purple color. They are all pretty plants though!

29 Sep, 2012


Thanks for the info about the mildew.I read somewhere that we should not use sprinkles only hose. They do not like to have wet leaves. We live in pretty wet part of the world so I do not know if it will survive. I do not see them around and was very surprised to find one in the garden center. I decided to give it a try.

30 Sep, 2012

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