Mysterious stone.
By Katarina

3 Oct, 2012
This large mysterious stone I found on the bank of a mountain stream in woods today.
Comments on this photo
I have read, that these stone balls are found in these forests quite often, SL. And this one I found after 10 minutes of walk.
3 Oct, 2012
Looks like its been put together origionally
3 Oct, 2012
No, Steve, I checked it closely, those cracks are only superficila.
3 Oct, 2012
was it carved a long time ago?
3 Oct, 2012
No, these globe stones are og unknown origin. They have been documented here for many centuries.
3 Oct, 2012
it looks like a giant walnut or a miniature boat!
3 Oct, 2012
How very strange, it does look like a giant Walnut Sticki in fact I have a photo of a giant walnut that I took at the Walnut museum in the Dordogne last year , the only difference is that you knew they were man made .......
3 Oct, 2012
You could take a chisel, see if there's anything inside! maybe an early cannon ball
3 Oct, 2012
Lol. I made several other photos and checked it. To me it looks like petrified sea grass or large algae. This valley was once the bottom of a shallow antedeluviant sea. The most famous finding from here is the footprint of prehistoric lizard and some are still here somewhere on the large rock, but it is several metres above the ground, you have to have climbing rope.
Well, do not know what is this, maybe will take it to friends in museum to check. It looked very nice, so I also thought at the moment that this is human made. Cracks are by erosion.
4 Oct, 2012
If not prehistoric or volcanic how about Meteoric grooves could be caused burning up as it enters the the earth atmosphere.If other stone around it is of similar make up that would be unlikely I guess.Do an MRI on it.
What size is it and How heavy.
4 Oct, 2012
About 1 meter in the longest diameter. Very heavy. I even didn´t try to move it, lol.
4 Oct, 2012
I know I shouldn't laugh Kat but I have this image of the concrete man- made one we saw outside the museum last year rolling down hill gathering speed straight through the countries settling down where you saw yours LOL I'm almost tempted to put a photo on to compare them !
4 Oct, 2012
well Amy, this is Central Europe. People cannot make dollars from rolling 80 kilogram rock to the 1400 m just to make false prehistoric relict. Common people come here for sports, do not watch stones. This is another mentality. Ír did you think that 8ritish guy travelled here with 80 kg rock in a suitcase? I do not know what it is by origin. But i would like to have it in my herbal garden :)
4 Oct, 2012
Its interesting. But not convinced based on what I can see that it is not formed by man.
4 Oct, 2012
LOL no Kat ,it wasn't Britain where I saw some similar ones to this it was in the Dordogne France ... some things remain a mystery and rightly so , it's good to have a puzzle to keep our brains active ...... :o)
4 Oct, 2012
i think its from the film set for star trek?
4 Oct, 2012
It is not usunual people refer unexplainable things to what they know or have experience with :)
One thing is sure. I like this stone :)
5 Oct, 2012
Something about stone balls :) The one you see on the photos - in Klokocov - has been for decades object of communists to prove it is of human origin, as people believe in its "heavenly" origin. Any scientist didn´t prove that it was made by man. These balls are well known to geologists and paleontologists.
5 Oct, 2012
That was interesting Kat thanks ! when you think about it if you watch a pot of toffee boiling it throws out round globule like bubbles which set and go hard immediately and then compare that with the earth throwing up masses of lava in it's early stages eons ago the same thing might happen leaving these balls of stone ....
5 Oct, 2012
Another mysterious place, where the stone balls were found - hoax?
6 Oct, 2012
I have been here in NZ some yrs ago Kat
6 Oct, 2012
Thank you, Steve, for this contribution. I have never heard about it. Look beautiful on the shore. Have you been there for holiday? I would be able to live in New Zealand, it is so beautful country.
Well, thank you very much for this contribution, which explains how could boulders came into existence by natural way. The similar creation is hypothesized in Slovak, Czech and Polish boulders. They were created from volcanic mud under the sea and then shaped by microorganisms and the sea erosion.
Thank you once more.
6 Oct, 2012
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how unusual Kat.
3 Oct, 2012