Creme Brulee Planter.
By Floribunda

5 Oct, 2012
I loved this Heuchera bathed in the evening sun in my urn planter..Such beautiful tones and shades are glowing in this light..
Comments on this photo
Looks lovely. Like the colours.
6 Oct, 2012
Thank you Bloomer and Cinders..I had this urn planter in my back garden for years where it seemed a little lost, but moving it out to the front garden really brings it into its own..Just goes to show what can be achieved when you move things around. \0/x
6 Oct, 2012
Hi Flori.... Lovely feature.. added to GoYpedia :o)
6 Oct, 2012
Just put a pic on of our urn planted up with Heucheras too.....they make such lovely features...
6 Oct, 2012
Nice looking urn Flori it makes a great focal point in the slabbed area.. :-)
8 Oct, 2012
Thank you Terra! Dotty, I'm sure that I must have got this idea from your garden! lol..They do look fantastic in an urn don't they? Thank you Rich..This urn had been out in my back garden and wasn't much of a feature there, but how it stands out as a focal point here! I am so delighted with this..Just goes to show what you can do when you move things about..\0/x
12 Oct, 2012
Yes great idea Flori to alter things around now and again. The urn looks good where it is and all planted up. Is that a spider plant ( don't know correct name) growing by the side of it? :-)
12 Oct, 2012
It looks gorgeous, is that a carex at the base? Just keeping you on your toes:-)
12 Oct, 2012
It is actually Croscosmia! Rhis..The funny thing is, a) there is no soil there so I have no idea how it is growing, and b) I have no idea where its come from! LOL.. I certainly didn't plant it there, though I have got some in my back garden, but it would have had to travel quite a way to get here..A pure mystery, but I liked the way it softened the hard landscaping so have left it there..
There is a really lovely grass that has self seeded here too Ba, I don't know its name, but it has tones of reds and gold in it, and looks it is staying too!\0/x
12 Oct, 2012
Creme brulee is going on my shopping list. This is the second time I've seen it and thought...hmm...must have that one! :)
13 Oct, 2012
It is such a lovely Heuchera Karen..Poor thing was sitting quite happily in a raised bed till it got dug up and moved to here! It seems to have settled in well though..I love the colour of it especially in the evening sun..\0/x
13 Oct, 2012
Yes, me too. I love all the autmnal coloured Heuchs, but find them easier to place in pots than in the border.
13 Oct, 2012
They can get a little lost in a border, but we have several in raised beds and they do seem to thrive there. The only thing that worries me in pots is the dreaded vine weevil..\0/x
13 Oct, 2012
very classy Flori
13 Oct, 2012
Just like me! LOL..Thought it might look so wrong here, but it couldn't look more right! lol..Just goes to show how it is worth experimenting..\0/x
13 Oct, 2012
it looks fabulous, I love your planter
13 Oct, 2012
The planter was ridiculously cheap as it is only poly-resin though a few years old now. I think it was £14 at the time and my OH screwed it to a circular patio slab for stability. Any one trying to pinch this would end up with a hernia! lol..Have replied to PM Yorkie..\0/x
13 Oct, 2012
our friend had a bird bath in her garden for 25 years, her husband said one morning where is the bird bath, she said where its been the last 25 years, he said no its not, someone had pinched it during the night, they were both gutted.
13 Oct, 2012
Oh how dreadful! We have been living in our small village for 30 years now and never had a problem until three years ago, when some very merry pub crawlers stole all of my solar lights in the front garden one night for fun. I was gutted! Wouldn't mind if they had at least used them, but they were found smashed up further down the road..Gardens are all too easy a target now.. There are such very sad people out there who get their kicks in the strangest of ways.. ;~((
13 Oct, 2012
That's is very sad and you do have to wonder what some people are thinking....but then we all get a bit silly when we've had a few eh? ;)
14 Oct, 2012
I know it is easy to do the daftest things when under the influence of the falling down water Karen, not that I ever am, (stop sniggering!) lol, but theft is still theft, and in a little village like ours it is a rare occurrence thankfully..I think it was the thought that they had entered the front garden and even gone up to the front window box to take them out that really annoyed me and then just smashed them up needlessly just up the road... I certainly know that I am not the first, nor will be the last this happens to, but it is a sad reflection on what little respect there now is for other peoples private property.. ;~(
14 Oct, 2012
Oh yes, I completely agree Flori. I am very lucky to live in a town where crime is very low and some people leave their front doors unlocked all day long! When I hear stories like yours, I am dismayed. I kind of hope it was drunken stupidity rather than real nastiness if you know what I mean, because that is less worrying. I've never been burgled (unless you count having some of my best plants nicked during the move to this house, and that was bad enough!) but it must be a really horrible experience. Hope the local bobbies are keeping an eye out for the vandals in your village. :)
15 Oct, 2012
Problem we have is that people have to walk passed our house to get to the local village pub, and stagger by on their way home We live side on to the main road which can be a real pain at times, but in all the years we have lived here Karen, this so far has been the only real incident.. I think it was more upsetting because it was so unexpected... It does feel very invasive. I felt so sorry for Yorkie's friend..;~(
15 Oct, 2012
Yes, I understand. I hope it doesn't ever happen again and that whoever did it feels really bad now they're sober! ;)
15 Oct, 2012 they didn't even remember taking them Karen.. Once saw a wonderful tee-shirt that read 'Idiot in the making...Just add alcohol' lol.. I have worked in the hospitality business for years and the sights I have seen makes me totally agree with that amusing! \0/x
15 Oct, 2012
Yes, that's a good one....although I wouldn't wear it myself! lol :) Luckily, not too many drunks in Classical Concert halls Flori, although I've done a few working men's clubs my distant youth!
15 Oct, 2012
Ah they are the stuff backbones are made of \0/x
15 Oct, 2012
:) True! :)
15 Oct, 2012
Another one for my list Crem Brulee, the list gets longer and longer, roll on spring, when i can go to GCs and pick up all these lovely Heucheras on my neverr ending list!!
Love your new trough Flori :)
5 Nov, 2012
Hello Gralew, nice to meet you! Thank you for looking in on me.. Yes, that is the trouble with Heucheras, there are just so many out there, and being an evergreen plant, they look good all the year round so great value for money too.
If you really want to be spoilt for choice, google Plantagogo or Vicky1 as she is a Goy member here too, and sells them by mail order.. You will be amazed..\0/x
6 Nov, 2012
Nice to meet you too Flori, have looked at Plantagogo, know what you mean, thats why my list is getting longer by the day!!:)
6 Nov, 2012
It's so hard deciding what one is best isn't it Gralew? My local GC has started selling some fair sized large Heucheras for £4.99 which is a good price, but some can go up to £8 plus, and that is just greed.. I wish GCs would remember that we are still in a recession.. ;~((
6 Nov, 2012
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The perfect spot for them,Flori..and love the little owl..:o)
6 Oct, 2012