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Philodendron selluom and pinnatifidum in front of the Prado Theater

Philodendron selluom and pinnatifidum in front of the Prado Theater (Philodendron selluom and pinnatifidum)

Philodendron pinnatifidum on the left and selluom on the right. The Philodendron selluom is more than 15ft (5m) tall. Photo taken Nov. 8, 2012.

Comments on this photo


Wow I love those leaves, especially the selluom.....

12 Nov, 2012


Thanks! The leaves are more than 6ft (2m) long.

13 Nov, 2012



20 Nov, 2012


Yes, they grow very large! :>)

Unfortunately, no one is in the photo for scale.

21 Nov, 2012

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Pictures by Delonix1
4414 of 6747

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This photo is of species Philodendron selluom and pinnatifidum.

See who else has plants in genus Philodendron.

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