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Oak tree.

Oak tree.

I always wanted to have oak tree in the garden. Once I read that it is the Father of all Trees. So I brought this one from woods. He is 5 years old already. And his leaves changes colours in autumn from green to yellow and then light brown. Then they fall. But in every moment it is a beautiful tree.

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'Mighty oaks from little acorns grow' ...

11 Nov, 2012


Sounds similar to me. Who did write that?

11 Nov, 2012


I found this link ...

11 Nov, 2012


We have a serious lack of Acorns this year Kat hardly any to be found take care of your little tree , we have a disease killing Ash trees as well it's all very worrying ......

11 Nov, 2012


TT@I see, it is idiom. I thought it was poetry :)
Amy@I didnĀ“t hear anything like that here. What sort of disease is it? But I am worried more about my elm trees.

11 Nov, 2012


The disease is called .. Chalara .. Kat or Ash dieback ... you can google it ,apparently the spores originally came from mainland Europe , it's mainly affecting saplings but is serious enough to make the experts think we could lose all our Ash trees . Our Elms have long since gone the hedge rows are full off dead trunks I have a small one in my garden which is a sucker from a tree that died but I've been told it won't grow into a fuly mature tree :o(

12 Nov, 2012


It sounds like it afflicts only ash trees, Amy. But I noticed similar dieback on my rhododendrons, Amy. I had exemplars 2-10 years old and they died in a year, all in a similar way as it was shown on the photo. Nothing helped. I cut the diseased branches, sprayed it with fungicides, improved fertlisation, exchanged soil. Nothing helped.

12 Nov, 2012


I haven't heard of it affecting Rhododendrons Kat but if I do hear anything I'll be sure to let you know !

12 Nov, 2012


Thank you, bt I already discussed it with some experts on GoY (QandA). Unfortunately, there is no cure.

12 Nov, 2012


:o( .......

12 Nov, 2012


yes a lovely tree Kat

17 Nov, 2012

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