Fairy fly...
By Lorilyn57

12 Nov, 2012
in mid autumn these lovely little ice blue flies look like snowflakes! their abdomen is covered with white fluff...but the rest of them is this beautiful blue....
Comments on this photo
Pretty ! They do don't they Bampy ?
12 Nov, 2012
This pic is 40something times magnification, Bampy. I'd hazard a guess that this little beauty is about 3-5 mm. in length. They look like dust motes or small snowflakes when they fly!
12 Nov, 2012
I would love to see a photo of it when its white ~ please!?
12 Nov, 2012
Hi Sticki...would love to comply...I was lucky to get a recognizeable image of this one sitting ...at a very high magnitude from about 15 ft distance! Will have to wait until next autumn as their season is very short...usually the last week of October and the first of November. This is my second season to observe them and thought I was seeing things..or rather snowflakes..and it was about 15* C! On my last blog I have a pic of the seedhead of the dill...and there are two fairy flies in the pic...can you find them, Sticki? I'm still complaining about this camera...don't like it at all...looking for a nice DSLR..for Christmas maybe? lol,.
13 Nov, 2012
now you say that i vaguely remember them, thanks lori, i will go and have another look, just a nice name, nice concept!
i dropped my camera and got the replacement ~ they have changed some things and i still dont like it as much as the old one! its a perfectly good camera, i just dont like it as much
i found one of them!!
13 Nov, 2012
oh I see ! they really are small, excellent photo given distance etc.
What camera did you use for this shot Lori ? ( I ask everyone this question, I just love cameras ;-)
15 Nov, 2012
Oh Bampy...you don't realize that you just opened the door to all my rages and rants about this .....camera. lol...
It is a Canon...I started learning digital photography with a lovely little Canon A420..it was wonderful...I loved it and got wonderful shots almost every time I attempted something different. It was getting old and I took an opportunity (gift money) to buy myself another camera...this time a Canon Power Shot SX130. 12xOZ, 12.1 MP. and I'm not happy with it. I really would prefer a DSLR but since I'm taking so long to get into this camera I thought getting a more complicated camera might be folly. So...the pic of the fairy fly...was taken at 48x magnification...I was photographing the seed heads of the dill and the flies were flitting about...saw one land and zoomed in on it...the image I've posted is a cropped version of that pic. that's why the focus is a little fuzzy. As you can tell I'm not a very competent photog. I justify it by saying that these pics are for my own amusement...but I really would like to try doing something more serious with my camera. Here in the new environs there are so many interesting things to photograph.
15 Nov, 2012
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they look similar in shape to our lacewings which are green.
12 Nov, 2012