Very Tall Tree Ferns
By Delonix1

14 Nov, 2012
Soon the tree fern fronds will be poking through the laths in the Botanical Building in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. This middle section of the Botanical Building's laths are 60ft (18m) high. This is almost how tall these tree ferns are... Photo taken Nov. 13, 2012.
Comments on this photo
Hi Delonix,
Once my friend from the BG was telling me that "xaxins" (Dicksonia sellowiana) grows around 0,05 to 0,08 m each year.
The following is a recent Botanical Article published here:
"(Perenial growth of Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. (Monilophyta, Dicksoniaceae)). The growth pattern presented by 70 plants of D. sellowiana Hook. in three tracts of mixed ombrophylous Forest, in the municipality of São Francisco de Paula (State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) were analyzed. ...... A live plant with a 7,5 m long caudex was estimated as ca. 134 years old."
Considering this estimation those ferns, if it is a Discksoniacea might have around 360 years if it is close to 18m.
Very old.
16 Nov, 2012
Thanks for the information! :>)
The very large tree fern on the right is a New Zealand black tree fern (Cyathea medullaris) and the other is an Australian tree fern (Cyathea cooperi) both are pretty fast growing. However, with this being said; both are most likely around 50 - 60 plus years old. Some of the large tree ferns in the Botanical Building are Dicksonia species, although, I'm not sure of the actual species name.
17 Nov, 2012
Hi Delonix,
In the same park where I took the pictures of the azaleas there is an area with a lot of ferns Dicksonia, which are most of them taller than I... it makes me think that I'm just a little bug around the last decades... lol!!!
The same feeling I had among the redwoods.
22 Nov, 2012
I know Dicksonia species can grown very tall. In Golden Gate Park in San Francisco there's many very tall old ones. Some (last I saw several years back) were at least 30ft (10m) tall. They were very old tree ferns maybe over 100 years.
26 Nov, 2012
Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species tree ferns.
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Yes, very tall. I think they're pretty old, also.
15 Nov, 2012